Yo, I don't live battle now, have a think why
Bitches throwin panties got me cactchin pink eye
So I gotta watch my health, and I gotta stop the boozin
Cause the vodka got me smashin kids in my impala, cruisin
I think that Jessie J would be a very messy lay
When I slit her throat and fuck her vocal chords to take my stress away
She hit on me now I'm just fuckin wishin I banged her
So watch my anger issues make me issue out anger
I'm gonna punch myself in the eye with a Phoenix eye
And squeeze my iris with a vice grip cause it makes my penis rise
A deviant leavin my jizz all over a nurse's pores
At work where I fuckin murder whores in the birthing ward
So fuck off cunt you'll see me soon chasin your nan
Cause I got a handicap parking space in my pants
Clean my dick till it gleams, till your tongue is creamed with cum
I don't work in fast food but I'll stick meat between your buns
Peeeeaaaccccceeeeeee !!! All feed returned as usual.
[ Post made via iPod ]