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Childish Gambino x Adele x Chief Stockton - The Gangbang EP

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Childish Gambino x Adele x Chief Stockton - The Gangbang EP

Post by mixtapeatlas »

Childish Gambino x Adele x Chief Stockton - The Gangbang EP ft Wale x The Weekend


Megaupload Link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=AFE844A0
Mediafire Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?dqlqawr0rde2j08

Also features Wale and The Weekend

0. The Gangbang - The Intro

1. The Gangbang - Not Give Up
(Produced by Lexzyne Productions)

2. The Gangbang - Do Ya Like
(Part Deux)

3. The Gangbang - Rolling 3's
(produced by Jamie XX)

4. The Gangbang - I Got You ft. The Weeknd
(Produced by Bobby James)

5. The Gangbang - One Question ft. G-Easy + Devon Baldwin (Produced by G-Easy)

5.5 The Gangbang - The Intermission

6. The Gangbang - Close Enough ft. Wale
(Produced by Lexzyne Productions)

7. The Gangbang - Change Out -
(Produced by Lexzyne Productions)

8. The Gangbang - What You Need ft. The Weeknd
(Produced by Bobby James)

9. The Gangbang - Home Again ft. LoneStar
(Remixed by Chief Stockton)

10. The Gangbang - Bible Money ft. LoneStar
(Produced by Childish Gambino)

11. The Gangbang - The Outro

Contact Information:

[email protected]
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