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Quix vs Enlightend (Quix wins 5-4)

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Quix vs Enlightend (Quix wins 5-4)

Post by Quix »

5 Bars - due 24 hours

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Re: Quix vs Enlightend

Post by Enlightend »


http://www.illestlyrics.com/board/felon ... ml#p181694
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dudes been MIA cus rugged banned him... came back as "Styles" then deleted him and switched back to Quix...
his alias Quixotic is often used to describe a "religious lifestyle" and is a album by Martina "Bird"...
the rest should be evident...

A COME BACK? really man why u tryin this, truth is this battle, well QUIX, UR NOT SURVIVING IT
call me RUGGED the way i TOSS THIS GUY AN THEN put um on a QUICK ROUTE back to RETIREMENT

im better!! u askin why Q? i got a list for miles, first im sick n vile while ya MISSING STYLE, like YA ALTER EGO
an ya just not my equal, yeah i took a loss but your RECORDS BLEMISHED BAD like it CAUGHT THE MEASLES

see at first I WAS IMPRESSED BY YA WINS, then i checked it again, and NOTICED YOUR LOSS COLUMN
u act like a top dog an it proves u got problems, cus u may PLAY WITH BALLS but dude YOUR NOT BALLIN

so im a burn this bitch ta ground, I'll toss this CARD-AN-L(cardinal), now this BIRD IS STRICKEN DOWN
yep you've earned ya stitches now, cus he brought BEEF but never CAME HARD, like SPERM DEFICIENT COWS

now i hand the bitch some rope, ta hang himself as he spits then chokes until it rips his throat
so is it true this kids sick? nope Quix a joke, who couldn't BUILD A DOPE TRACK using BRICKS OF COKE
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Re: Quix vs Enlightend

Post by Quix »

http://www.illestlyrics.com/board/p-a-v ... 23913.html

http://www.illestlyrics.com/board/felon ... 24072.html

LMFAO, aigh man check

-- Sun Oct 02, 2011 5:56 am --

quick Expos:
-Summer jobs at disney land - Goofy's a disney character
-say that he's ILL - His alias is ILLuminati ... he goes by ILL
- dudes got 2 names on this site .. i ain't seen him battle let alone beat 1 vet yet. all newbs from what i can see. Check mah history ... i took on vets and beat them too!
- Cars with push buttons starts DONT USE KEYS ... hence them being Usless

Wuttup Illest?

I'mm baccckk

I Ain't heard one person yet CLAIM THAT HE SKILLED, ya'll thinking enlightened gonna get PLAYED, AND HE WILL
cuz him 'using his alias name' is the only time he can honestley SAY THAT HE ILL////
I'll have him Regretting, REQUESTING THIS FIGHT you ain't original just have an OBSESSION TO BITE ... and i'm EXPECTING HE MIGHT cuz he's allways been 'Nothing but Shady' ... we'll just call this a REFLECTION OF LIGHT////
read some yah shit and thought "wow .. ISN'T HE BLAND!?!?!?!" he can't PHYSICALLY STAND with mah punches, let alone mah CONSISITANCEY, DAMN.... cuz this 'Kids work is just Goofy' like summer jobs at DISINEY LAND//////
90% of your wins are TOPICAL BATTLES?? LMFAO can't hang with me main .. coming with 'more baby shit' than BOTTLES AND RATTLES proves you got know TALENT, BUT OBSESSED, cuz you got two different accounts!?!?!, and STILLL not 1 CHALLANGE TO A VET?????/////
I'm a leave on this note ... you wouldn't have a 'Car-Rear' if you stole a DOZEN CARS
cuz your complete ASSS and your 'keys are more useless' than cars with Push BUTTON STARTS////
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Re: Quix vs Enlightend

Post by TreTru »

Punches:Quix..i felt He had more actual punches..i liked the First line alot..
Flow:tie..both were aight just a few bumps..i did like the way light structured his tho..
Creativity:tie..both came pretty creative imo
Nameplay/wordplay:Quix had more on this end...i liked the first name flip tho Say that he ill

I felt Quix had More Punches and the additional nameplays helped give them more impact...

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Re: Quix vs Enlightend

Post by CBK »

ok i said before i weren't voting but shit happens things change.

i already declared my opinion an i think that Light took this one here's why......

punches/personals both came hard here but what i didnt like was you both posted a sub paragraph explaining shit , you shouldnt have to do that punches should be understood universally without need for explanation. Tie

Enlight's overall structure was impeccable, line length on point an flowed smoothly when read, were as styles structure was slackin an poor. (but hey i cant pass judgement on structure).

Flow easily taken by Enlightend, i tried a couple of times to force quix's to flow but i couldnt catch it, but Lights just dripped off the tongue.

wordplay wasn't used much in this battle an the two main ones i could see were careers (car rears) an card an L(cardinal) an for me the cardinal line was just more heavy hitting.

overall enjoyment= i liked both verses an i read quix "disiney land" line in that adam sandler voice of bullet proof an was pissing myself laughing...
but this line "yep you've earned ya stitches now, cus he brought BEEF but never CAME HARD, like SPERM DEFICIENT COWS" was the best line of the battle an set up the final bars nicely.

mvgt Enlightend.

# quix fix ya structure up dude coz ya material aint bad,it just looks poor the way you format it, just like mine man im not hating just a bit of advice.
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Re: Quix vs Enlightend

Post by Quix »


more votes
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Re: Quix vs Enlightend

Post by Defiance »

Punches: QUix
Flow: tie
Creativity: tie
Nameplay/wordplay: quix
Enjoyment: Tie
Overall: Quix

Vote goes to quiz - simple explanation would be punches.. his hit


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Re: Quix vs Enlightend

Post by Quix »

2-1 Quix

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Re: Quix vs Enlightend

Post by Loon E Lou »

Punches: Quix
Flow: Enlightend
Creativity: Enlightend
Nameplay/wordplay: Enlightend
Enjoyment: Enlightend
Overall: Enlightend

Personally, i feel E had more ammo to work with. E knew more about quix was what it felt like. Quix had some good punches but i feel E devoted his whole verse to quix.

mvgt. Enlightend

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Re: Quix vs Enlightend

Post by Quix »

ok .. 2-2

Lets get some more explained votes
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Re: Quix vs Enlightend

Post by Mic S »

A COME BACK? really man why u tryin this, truth is this battle, well QUIX, UR NOT SURVIVING IT
call me RUGGED the way i TOSS THIS GUY AN THEN put um on a QUICK ROUTE back to RETIREMENT
Wording was rough here, weak opener
im better!! u askin why Q? i got a list for miles, first im sick n vile while ya MISSING STYLE, like YA ALTER EGO
an ya just not my equal, yeah i took a loss but your RECORDS BLEMISHED BAD like it CAUGHT THE MEASLES
name drop was meh, wordplay was ok, flowed well, punch hit but was weak
see at first I WAS IMPRESSED BY YA WINS, then i checked it again, and NOTICED YOUR LOSS COLUMN
u act like a top dog an it proves u got problems, cus u may PLAY WITH BALLS but dude YOUR NOT BALLIN
wordplay was obvious could of played wit it better on the wording, but decent punch
so im a burn this bitch ta ground, I'll toss this CARD-AN-L(cardinal), now this BIRD IS STRICKEN DOWN
yep you've earned ya stitches now, cus he brought BEEF but never CAME HARD, like SPERM DEFICIENT COWS
Wordplay is obvious but punch still hit nicely, flowed cool, nice 1
now i hand the bitch some rope, ta hang himself as he spits then chokes until it rips his throat
so is it true this kids sick? nope Quix a joke, who couldn't BUILD A DOPE TRACK using BRICKS OF COKE
flow was there, wordplay again obvious. but it hit, ok cloer[/b]


I Ain't heard one person yet CLAIM THAT HE SKILLED, ya'll thinking enlightened gonna get PLAYED, AND HE WILL
cuz him 'using his alias name' is the only time he can honestley SAY THAT HE ILL////
ehh weak opener
I'll have him Regretting, REQUESTING THIS FIGHT you ain't original just have an OBSESSION TO BITE ... and i'm EXPECTING HE MIGHT cuz he's allways been 'Nothing but Shady' ... we'll just call this a REFLECTION OF LIGHT////
ok... wordplay was there but nothing out of the ordinary, it hit
read some yah shit and thought "wow .. ISN'T HE BLAND!?!?!?!" he can't PHYSICALLY STAND with mah punches, let alone mah CONSISITANCEY, DAMN.... cuz this 'Kids work is just Goofy' like summer jobs at DISINEY LAND//////
not really a punch - goofy is not really a negetive thing, flowed well but didnt hit
90% of your wins are TOPICAL BATTLES?? LMFAO can't hang with me main .. coming with 'more baby shit' than BOTTLES AND RATTLES proves you got know TALENT, BUT OBSESSED, cuz you got two different accounts!?!?!, and STILLL not 1 CHALLANGE TO A VET?????/////
pretty personal here, wording was slightly off but it hit none the less good 1
I'm a leave on this note ... you wouldn't have a 'Car-Rear' if you stole a DOZEN CARS
cuz your complete ASSS and your 'keys are more useless' than cars with Push BUTTON STARTS////
1st line on this bar was weak, but the way u ended it was nice, wordplay was there nd creative i liked this closer

Ok sooo basically i seen a lot of filler from both of you.. more wordplay from enlightened but most the wordplay both displayed in this battle were mostly obvious/unoriginal concepts. none the less both dropped a couple decent punches.. I thought quix verse wasn't very structured but to me it still flowed good... and both did what needed to make it a decent battle

both had 2 good punches with a weak one
they also through 1 really soft packed punch along with 1 that didnt hit

and all was even so it goes down to who i thought was more creative with the 2 stronger punchlines

and I felt like Quix bearly packed this 1 away with his closer

no hate

mvgt Quix
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Re: Quix vs Enlightend

Post by Enders »


A COME BACK? really man why u tryin this, truth is this battle, well QUIX, UR NOT SURVIVING IT
call me RUGGED the way i TOSS THIS GUY AN THEN put um on a QUICK ROUTE back to RETIREMENT
LOL, i liked your opener. Nice personal tied into a punch.
im better!! u askin why Q? i got a list for miles, first im sick n vile while ya MISSING STYLE, like YA ALTER EGO
an ya just not my equal, yeah i took a loss but your RECORDS BLEMISHED BAD like it CAUGHT THE MEASLES
lol, i liked the first line better than the second tbh. but all together pretty dope bar, maybe better than your first one.
see at first I WAS IMPRESSED BY YA WINS, then i checked it again, and NOTICED YOUR LOSS COLUMN
u act like a top dog an it proves u got problems, cus u may PLAY WITH BALLS but dude YOUR NOT BALLIN
meh, i didnt like this one too much. Kind of the let down point in a so far solid verse.
so im a burn this bitch ta ground, I'll toss this CARD-AN-L(cardinal), now this BIRD IS STRICKEN DOWN
yep you've earned ya stitches now, cus he brought BEEF but never CAME HARD, like SPERM DEFICIENT COWS
lol at the punch, wordplay was coo, but i have one question. you said "ill toss this card-an-l" in order to wordplay the bird. BUT, im guessing the other way is supposed to read like such: ill toss this card a loss? I dont get it. I dont get a lot of things though lol, just being honest.
now i hand the bitch some rope, ta hang himself as he spits then chokes until it rips his throat
so is it true this kids sick? nope Quix a joke, who couldn't BUILD A DOPE TRACK using BRICKS OF COKE
LMFAO, i liked this line. The inner monolougue or however you spell it is pretty dope tactic, you used it fairly well throughout your verse. Nice close, opener with the personal, over all a well executed verse. The only problems I foresee is I wasnt a big fan of your 3rd bar, and the cardinal wordplay, but that might be my own intelligence level.


I Ain't heard one person yet CLAIM THAT HE SKILLED, ya'll thinking enlightened gonna get PLAYED, AND HE WILL
cuz him 'using his alias name' is the only time he can honestley SAY THAT HE ILL////
lol. ok opener, name play with the personal, nice way to start man, but i dont really like line 1. Kinda seems erno... not true, or stretched, or something, but its odd balled IMO.
I'll have him Regretting, REQUESTING THIS FIGHT you ain't original just have an OBSESSION TO BITE ... and i'm EXPECTING HE MIGHT cuz he's allways been 'Nothing but Shady' ... we'll just call this a REFLECTION OF LIGHT////
lol, reflection of light. Im going to point something out here, again. How is he shady? I didnt know he was accused of biting, or that he polans to. I understand throwing dirt, but arent you saying he's a biter and is prolly going to do it again, even though he's never done it? Erno. I dont get this one. If infact this statement held any truth, itd be pretty good bar, but since it doesnt, i cant say i like this one.
read some yah shit and thought "wow .. ISN'T HE BLAND!?!?!?!" he can't PHYSICALLY STAND with mah punches, let alone mah CONSISITANCEY, DAMN.... cuz this 'Kids work is just Goofy' like summer jobs at DISINEY LAND//////
LOL, i liked this one. Odd balled, again, goofy, but all together i liked it.
90% of your wins are TOPICAL BATTLES?? LMFAO can't hang with me main .. coming with 'more baby shit' than BOTTLES AND RATTLES proves you got know TALENT, BUT OBSESSED, cuz you got two different accounts!?!?!, and STILLL not 1 CHALLANGE TO A VET?????/////
it reads weird. I liked it, and know he doesnt have 2 accounts, but also know where you got that from(expos), so its cool. This felt long. I enjoyed the personal shot though.
I'm a leave on this note ... you wouldn't have a 'Car-Rear' if you stole a DOZEN CARS
cuz your complete ASSS and your 'keys are more useless' than cars with Push BUTTON STARTS////
lol, i liked this, nice solid closer. the car rear seemed a bit of a stretch, but i connected well enough with minimal effort, so ill take it. Overall not bad man, i would be slaughtered by you so by no means do i have room to tell you where to improve. What i will say, is because I was able to question your staements (like why is he calling him an obsessive biter if hes not) takes away from your verse. I liked it, just a few holes.

Overall, MVGT enlightend. He just came a bit better than Quix. Both rather good at the text battles, but Light just came nicer, less things i didnt like.
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Re: Quix vs Enlightend

Post by For Real »

Punches: Quix
Flow: Quix
Creativity: Tie.
Nameplay/wordplay: Tie.
Overall: Tie

^Why so little cats?

Anyways, to me I felt that Quix just came with a more direct and flowing approach. I think Enlightened went in with more, but he put so much emphasis on the concept that in the end up, the punch fell short, while Quix came landing decent shots in every bar, keeping is consistant. On personals, Enlight walks away with it but to me, the other catagories mainly fall into Quix name. Just my opinion, pretty good battle, Damn you for making me read it lmao (Hate votes haha)

Quix gets my vote.
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Re: Quix vs Enlightend

Post by Quix »

4-3 Quix .. .uppin for more votes!
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Re: Quix vs Enlightend

Post by -Skit- »

:dance: punches: enlightend
flow: enlighted
creativity: quix. liked the last few lines
word play: tie
i enjoyed both.
over all i vote for Enlighted shit is ill

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