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More of a story than a poem

Expand your artistic ability through poetry and story telling. Poetry has been given new life ever since the inception of hip hop. Relax for a minute and explore your poetic side here.

Moderators: Loon E Lou, Kuhlerblynd, Glamtrash, Borat

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More of a story than a poem

Post by TopCatDaStoryTella »

drink win n break bread like I was feedin pigeons
in due time shit gon cut u... n Im da leadin incision
ur mind race like a piston feel free 2 repeat if u listen
n sumtimes cuz questionable decisions u need sum assistance
wonderin y u did dis so u ask 4 forgiveness
n cold blooded niggas dat leave u bleedin wit no resistance
head it 4 guidance... hope floats in da sea of poseidon
tryna turn it around like applyin a nelson... plant seeds 4 ur child n
a bulb over ur head is lightin... u notice u da key 2 da violence
n u figure deres only 1 way 4 dis beef 2 B silenced
(aim da silencer at ur eyelid... bullets pierce ur eye like a trident u fall wit ur arm exteneded in da heisman)
ur son finds out n hes cryin
all dis fightin n lyin drives him crazy no need 4 a licence
so wen he's about 2 go 2 sleep he takes da end of his covers n ties em
2 his neck n da ceiling fan n he begins risin
begins flyin like a kite den ur wife walks in visulaizin...
wat u n her wud of grown 2 be... then sees her son dyin
she turns of da fan n unties him as shes realzin
dats hes dead... shes cryin n gagging cuz its so gross
n den she passes out at da sight of her husband's ghost
she had a heart attack... it wud of been death 4 most
wakes up engulfed by fire screams n laughter... she begins 2 roast

tell me wat u think
my fans throw up dere hands ur fans got Lohans like Lindsey indeed
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Re: More of a story than a poem

Post by Vohkab »

could use spellcheck, but then that's me.
umm, this was interesting to say the least.
some of the language and grammar made some parts seem redundant. but this decent overall.
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