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Obama's Wars - Nuclear Attacks?

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Obama's Wars - Nuclear Attacks?

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Re: Obama's Wars - Nuclear Attacks?

Post by JDR »

I'm not a big fan of this guy. I'm certain that if America was ever hit by a nuclear attack, it would be from Pakistani ground or have something to do with Pakistan just for the simple fact that the country is way to unstable, politically, to have such technology and a majority of the population probably has more hatred for Westerners than any other country in the Middle East. Also, I've been a huge Obama fan when concerning war tactics. However, If you haven't seen the comparison to Vietnam by now, then don't even bother looking. It's old news when you look at how similiar the two are. And in 10 to 20 years when American troops aren't engaging in combat and have nifty command post (cos we will always be present, regardless of war because of the unstability) than our childrens history books will briefly touch on Iraq the same as it does Vietnam now. Kids will learn it happend but more specific details like every other war will be left out. & I don't see what else he's sappose to say when talking about terriost attacks. I think thats pretty much the only politically correct statment you can make. "We'll try to prevent it but if it happens, our country is strong enough to absorb it". You can't exactly say "Naw man..that shit would fuck us up". ha. Nice video.
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Re: Obama's Wars - Nuclear Attacks?

Post by The Man »

Isreal is going to go... BOOM! :dance:
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Re: Obama's Wars - Nuclear Attacks?

Post by Yomommaspimp »

What? All this is bullshit. Obama is a fucking idiot hands down. He's getting blow back from his own party. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan is a crock of shit. Our economy is collapsing and we're still fighting these two dumb ass wars. We're what in the trillions now? No weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Bin boy supposedly in Afghanistan. Yet, there is no proof period. Supposedly Maobama's dumb ass was going to pull out of the middle east. Nope, bullshit. Now we have a surge in Afghanistan. This war has been his war since he took office. He took out black water because people were bitching about them and put in triple canopy. That's like fucking your girlfriend, kicking her out, than fucking her sister. It's the same family different pussy. They're about as crazy as black water is. Terrorism itself is old news.

He should have said "We absorbed it and now we're fucking broke. I'm a dumb ass I can't do anything right. I lied to all you, but I'm still the president bitch".

Now we're provoking Iran like we did the Japanese in World War 2. We're setting up blockades on their side of the ocean. (sarcasm) That's so genius. Then when they open fire on us because we're blocking them, everyone is going to go "They can't do that"! Then here we go Iran.

We will lose to Iran period. We are so damn broke and way in debt, there is no chance is hell, that we will be able to financially support another war. Especially, with a country that actually has a military (air,land,sea) of it's own, not a bunch of goat herding, cousin fuckers with AKs.

Shit Israel has threatened to attack Iran if the U.S is not going to. Then shit's going to kick with them and we're going to play heroes again. Maybe we'll do what we did with Britain back in WW2 and lend a couple destroyers, light bombers, tanks, some of our pilots. Then decide to escort some their ships with our Destroyers and blow up a couple of Irani U boats and ships on the way to wherever the fuck their going and hopefully provoke them like fucking idiots.

I wouldn't be surprised if another Gulf of Tonkin happens with Iran.
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Re: Obama's Wars - Nuclear Attacks?

Post by Kuhlerblynd »

What this boils down to is Obama having to pick up and make up for the shit the Bush administration (yes, both of them) has done to hurt our country, inside and out. I dont think I really should have to say more than that, and I like the interview. It tells me Obama seems to take his job more seriously than some of our past leaders have.

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Re: Obama's Wars - Nuclear Attacks?

Post by TheNobleOne »

it wasnt just bush, plans have been set into motion before the Bush's were around. each president has done their part to bring this country down and its all part of a much grander scheme. wordup
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