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Adventure with Kurse as he makes his way from a virtual nobody in the music business to a mainstream attraction, through all the pits, journeys, and triumphs with indie recording label, A.M.E. Inc

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Post by Kurse »

I wrote this as a bulletin on myspace...I dunno...it's me just ranting and venting...but this is what I feel.

What I can't stand is...

...The fact that there are alot of underground artists out there who gas themselves up in wild belief that they're the greatest thing walkin and spittin rhymes since the days of "Gin N'Juice". I read these bulletins about how everybody hates on them and their style...and about how they're going to make it big because they've got the real talent that the industry is looking for and blah blah blahhhh! Talkin about how they get paid and they stay strapped wit cash and all this other bullshit.

Maybe it's just me...

...or maybe it's not....

But in my opinion, nobody wants to hear that garbage. Now the ones who are sayin that everyone is hating on their style...gee...maybe you wouldn't get so much negative feedback if you had flow. I listen to some of you rap and you don't know how to ride a beat. Just sounds like an uneducated speech being given over some drums and a few snares. I've seen some of your pages and listened to your tracks and I'm hearing alot of caca to be honest. Some of the lyrical content too. I'm seeing white faces that might've just turned 18 yrs old, talking about pushing keys of merch and flossin rides wit rims bigger than their momma'z house! Then I look in their photo gallery and what do I see!? They've got a picture of themselves kickin it on a dusty lookin 70's couch in their momma'z basement petting the family golden retriever.

Come on.

Be Real.

And then you got the ones claiming that they get paid and they've got the real heat in the streets. You're nuthin but a knuckle-head if you feel that someone actually cares about how much welfare money you've saved up into your little TCF Bank account! Yet again...you look at his pics and you see this kat wearing the same damn pair of Fila gym shoes in every photo. Lace's all shredded up and shit...sole of the shoe is coming unglued..looks like he's been walking on a dick-farm all day. And you're Mr. "I Got Money" right!? Spare me the details.

Look...talk about real shit in the bulletins. Maybe rap about some real shit on your records. Nobody wants to hear all this watered-down rap music now or days. The people are thirsty for real stories and real tales of the street. Shit from the heart...shit from the block...shit that they can relate too. Nobody wants to hear the Boo-Boo anymore...it's time to give them what they really deserve.

What's that you ask?

I'll tell you.


That's what they deserve...REAL MUSIC. So let's get with the program...

..and give 'em just that.

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Post by MesaR »

yeah i agree what your saying kurse, but honestly i like people with good lyrics, even if they cant ride a beat, then garbage lyrics that are easy to spit over a instrumental, but people who dont rap, find mainstream rap like little booise soulja boy and etc catchy and ' good ' so if all rap was ' real ' and had know ring to it, rap/hiphop would not be as popular you have to think about how this would effect hiphop culture around the world. for rap listeners
..Fuck that gay shit you say on a beat..
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Post by -TraMaTiK- »

SequencE wrote:yeah i agree what your saying kurse, but honestly i like people with good lyrics, even if they cant ride a beat, then garbage lyrics that are easy to spit over a instrumental, but people who dont rap, find mainstream rap like little booise soulja boy and etc catchy and ' good ' so if all rap was ' real ' and had know ring to it, rap/hiphop would not be as popular you have to think about how this would effect hiphop culture around the world. for rap listeners
i agree with kurse fully and surprisingly i do with him^ 8)
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Post by RH1NO »

look in their photo gallery and what do I see!? They've got a picture of themselves kickin it on a dusty lookin 70's couch in their momma'z basement petting the family golden retriever

lmao so true

flat out i dig lyrics overall

id honestly rather listen to acapella if it taught me sumthin or wowed me

club "hits" and laxed lyirics are hindering hip hop

standards are too low for the most part ta make a record
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Post by loumusic »

I agree and I disagree. There are no rules to Hip Hop if I recall. People just have different ways of expressing it. These people are Hip Hop artist.

art·ist (är'tĭst)
One, such as a painter, sculptor, or writer, who is able by virtue of imagination and talent or skill to create works of aesthetic value, especially in the fine arts.
A person whose work shows exceptional creative ability or skill: You are an artist in the kitchen.
One, such as an actor or singer, who works in the performing arts.
One who is adept at an activity, especially one involving trickery or deceit: a con artist.

Hip hop music is a style of popular music composed of a rhythmic, rhyming vocal style called rapping (also known as emceeing) over backing beats and scratching performed on a turntable by a DJ. When combined with breakdancing and graffiti art, these are the four components of hip hop, a cultural movement which began in New York City in the 1970s, predominantly among African Americans and Latinos.
In the mid-1970s, hip hop split into two factions. One sampled disco and focused on getting the crowd dancing and excited, with simple or no rhymes.
The 1980s saw intense diversification in hip hop, which developed into a more complex form. The simple tales of 1970s emcees were replaced by highly metaphoric lyrics rapping over complex, multi-layered beats.
In the 90s, gangsta rap became mainstream, beginning in about 1992, with the release of Dr. Dre's The Chronic. This album established a style called G Funk, which soon came to dominate West Coast hip hop.
In the wake of declining sales following the deaths of both superstar artists, the sounds of hip hop were greatly diversified. Most important was the rise of Southern rap.

In my opinion it's ok to rap about guns, drugs, being in jail etc. (My Opinion) if it's true and not in every song and not glorifying it. What you should mention is how some people talk about women in a degrading way, like they don't have any member in their family that is female. You should have mention how behind the scenes some people can't get signed because they don't think it sells. I've bumped into people where they would say "You should have some swag in your flow" but we are not gonna change who we are. We don't want to fall into these traps to make a buck and that's what's happening to the industry. Artist feel that if they are not this way no one will listen to them or that they won't sell and that's the main problem. The reason why they have these reality shows on TV is so the world can make a mockery out of hip hop, ergo digging us a bigger hole. You should talk about how artist don't help each other out. Why can't all artist make money?!! In hip hop someone is always trying to be number one. They are treating Hip hop just like the drug game. You don't see other rock bands getting mad at each other or creating diss songs, they are all getting bank. Radio is another thing that should be mentioned. They constantly play these songs over and over so of course some people eventually take a liking to it because it's what's popular on the radio. They also choose to play songs according to their location. I'm from N.Y. but I now reside in Virginia but when I was in N.Y. I rarely heard anything from the south or West coast on the radio. Now that I'm in Virginia I rarely hear songs from the East Coast and almost never from the West coast. Why?! People are narrow minded. I bet alot of people never even heard of U.G.K. until big pimpin came out. I read alot of you guys profiles on here. I saw who you chose as your favorite artist and you can kind of tell where you from because of this. I saw a lot of eminems, ice cube, exhibit, and so on. Eminem is a great lyricist but he has some songs as well that are just as bad. Killing his wife while his daughter watches and bringing other artist down. He did it to NSYNC, Britney, Back street boys and then the same thing happened with 50 and ja rule. They both shut them down completely. What was back street or ja rule doing wrong. They just wanted to make money and music. All I'm saying is we need to stick together if we don't want hip hop to fall period. No one is forcing us to listen, so choose what you would like to hear or purchase at your own risk. If you don't like it don't get it. Just like I don't like or want to listen to Eamon (Which is Hip Pop - Pop music influenced style of Hip Hop.) but that's what some people choose to listen to, I'm not gonna bash him. Some people love to dance to music and don't care or listen to what they are saying they just like the beat. Others just like to listen to it and capture every lyric, listen to how the beat was composed and if the lyrics have truth to them, or be able to walk away with some knowledge from it. So you see here Hip Hop has gone through alot of changes but there is no rule to it. People just come up with different ways to express themselves through different forms of Hip Hop. So give people a chance or just don't listen, but don't bash them because it's all hip hop.
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Post by Haz »

I Agree On Some Parts... But i Get Tired Of These Club Bangin Ass Niggahz
Dat Make Dey Stupid Love/Club Songs Try To Do Some 50cent Status Type Shit , Thinking They Really Doin Hip Hop.. All Dat Commercialized Bullshit iz Garbage.. Like Jada Said we Use To Have Songs " We Could Shop Lift And Rob 2" Now Every Niggah Talkz About His Coop And Rims.. Chains..Dances.. Swag..
No One BRings That Gutta Element in Dere Lyrics...And It Dont Matta if u Wus Refferin To Me As "Couldnt Ride a Beat" Or Thinks "Hes gunna make it some where" I Jus Kno I Dont Rap To Live.. I Live My Rapz..
Non On Tha M-C's On Here On Real.. Like Complexity Rappin About Guns?! Hes Prolly Never Seen a Gun In His Life...Shit I Rap About itz Eitha Happenin in Da Process Or Has Happened..Niggahz Needah Get On Real Shit..
I Ayn Takin Shots Or Nothin Wid Dis.. Jus Givin My Opinion YA DIGG
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Post by Lawgix »

only reason u 2 agree on some parts and don't agree on some parts is because when u listen to artists like the underground ones and the mainstream ones, u all wanna be like them. ur all like "well shit hes got rims i want a set on my whip". so u all fantisize about havin this fancy lookin car with maybe candy paint on it with wood grain steerin wheel and leather dash n chromed out spinners... but u all can't have it. why? cause ur BROKE!!!! why rap about somethin u don't have? its like u rappin about ur girlfriend when u been single for 6 years. its LAME!!! stop it!! now!!! i'm really startin to get pissed at the underground industry with all this talk about how u pushin shit n like Kurse said got rims bigger than ur mommas house. if u don't have it, don't rap about it. write about whats around you, what affects ur community. lets put real hip hop back on its pedistal, yeah every once in a while a club tracks cool... but make sure u were allowed into the club n had the money to spend on w.e u wanted! if ur gonna rap... keep it real... no false shit... cause most the time u get called out on it. look at Mike Jones for example. newayz i agree with Kurse 100%, and if u can't understand that then good luck making it in the industry
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pest wrote:You look Easy... Whats Good?
AntiMaTTer wrote:lmao ...is this how you hit on all the chicks?
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Post by Haz »

LOL.. Mos Yall Niggahz iz Fake..
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Post by Cee4 »

i can see what you mean. but do the people really want "real music". i dont think the majority of people really givea fuck if their favourites artist is "ballin" or broke or if they were really a gangster or not. every single rapper says the industry is full of studio gangsters who have never held a gun in their life. they all say the same shit so how do you know if there lying or not. they all say that their the next thing because their the real deal and everyone else is not. then their album comes out and its the same old shit.

also people always go on about how shit rap is and its all shitty club music with no decent lyics. the only reason its like that is because the customers dont buy the lyrical artists records. Young Jeezy brought his album out the same time as Nas and Jeezy sold more. sales are based on the hype surrounding the artist not there talent. maybe the underground artist sell less cause their fan base is not kids and pop music fans who actually buy cds but typically internet geeks who just dowwnload the cd. everyone always says the whole crunk/ dance rap music is shit. so why do they sell more records than your typical underground artist?

take Papoose for example. he has so much lyrical ability but he cant make a decent song to save himself. then you got 50 cent and Kanye West who have no lrical ability but sell shitloads of records.

personally i dont like 90% of artist out right now. i dont like the underground artists or the main stream artists. i mainly listen to rap from the mid 90`s. thats why i have not bought a CD in over a year.

Kurse although you have a valid point i think you should stop moaning about other rappers and what people want to hear and concentrate on yourself. you seem to be a well rounded emcee. you dont claim to be a gangster and you can rap about stuff other than the whole bling bling crap. if you have what the people want then give them it and u will be successful.
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Post by loumusic »

I feel what you saying Cee4 I respect that comment especially the last few sentences. I prefer the 80's and 90's myself but I don't hate on anything that's out now. I'm like you I haven't purchased anything since Outkast speakerboxx and the love below. I'm with listening to lyrics, as well as listening to the beat. Honestly I haven't heard anything on here (A full completed song that is.) that sounds better than alot of songs that people are complaining about. So why should they be judged. What I'm sick of is those who think they should have a say about other people work when no one is a professional at what they are doing a.k.a HATERS.
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Post by Cee4 »

loumusic wrote:I feel what you saying Cee4 I respect that comment especially the last few sentences. I prefer the 80's and 90's myself but I don't hate on anything that's out now. I'm like you I haven't purchased anything since Outkast speakerboxx and the love below. I'm with listening to lyrics, as well as listening to the beat. Honestly I haven't heard anything on here (A full completed song that is.) that sounds better than alot of songs that people are complaining about. So why should they be judged. What I'm sick of is those who think they should have a say about other people work when no one is a professional at what they are doing a.k.a HATERS.
i think everyone has the right to express an opinion on someone elses songs/beats if their putting them out to the public. if someone releses an album or posts a track on an internet forum i think everyone has the right to praise or criticise it. i just dont like when people start saying they know what everyone should be listening to. if someone knew that they would be selling millions of records.

i like good lyrics too but id rather listen to a good song (ie. good lyrics/beat/hook) id rather listen to Nas, Ice Cube than someone like Rakim. Personally i think Rakim is top 3 of all time lyrically but id fall asleep after listening to him for 30 minutes. Now people will say oh he dosent like Rakim. that means he dosent like real hip hop. fuck that. a lot of these lyrical artists make shit music and a lot of artist who are shit lyrically must make good music cause someones buying their records.

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Post by RH1NO »

i am a fan of lyricism

to the point above i would rather listen to papoose than 50/kanye


hip hop is about expression

everyone is feelin club tracks well whatever dont listen if you dont like it ya know

everyone just remember at one point vanilla ice wash the shit or new kids on the block

now they are played punchlines lol

hip hop same as every other genre of music goes through phases/stages

doesnt mean hip hop is dead or any other ridiculous idea

just means the game is always changing

hence all the mixtapes/underground to appeal to another market
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Post by loumusic »

I agree with what you said Rhino and the comment by Cee 4. Hip Hop is always going to change that's the beauty of it. Personally I like to listen to Lupe Fiasco and Ghostface, and when I want to have fun and dance I like to listen to some club tracks from 50 to some southern based tracks like ying yang twinz and Pit Bull. I mean who wants to listen to papoose in the club? Unless he makes club bangers, I rather listen to papoose in my car or at my home and I think it would look weird dancing with a girl to Common's "The Corner".
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