We've made the nominations for each individual catagory, now its time to vote on the winners!!!
Everone can select two of the options when voting. This is to help for anyone that may feel there is a tie involved, and to get more accurate results. If you do not feel there is a tie, then only select one of the options.
The voting won't be open for a very long time, so get your votes in asap. Good luck to everyone involved. May the best of the best win and get to claim the rights of champion!!!
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Illest's 2010 Writer of the Year Award
Moderators: Loon E Lou, Kuhlerblynd
- Kuhlerblynd
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Re: Illest's 2010 Writer of the Year Award
Haz and IC are underrated :/
[video]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZtAQQh- ... re=related[/video]
- Munt_lol_eskue
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Re: Illest's 2010 Writer of the Year Award
yeah their shits pretty cool
- blokB
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Re: Illest's 2010 Writer of the Year Award
i.c is waaaay under rated
We must always and forever have hip-hops best interest at heart. We must allow ourselves to be critical of the music and culture so that ideas and beliefs that aren’t progressive can be eliminated and made unattractive to our youth. Our allegiance to Hip Hop has to be about more than romanticized ideas of misogyny, materialism, murder and mayhem. Instead our allegiances must be rooted in what we individually and collectively determine beneficial. The story of misogyny, materialism, murder and mayhem doesn’t end well. We’ve got proof. Doing what one believes is individually and collectively beneficial may allow for a better ending. Or better yet, no ending at all.
C.I Truth
C.I Truth
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