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Audio Heads... I Need Ur Input

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Audio Heads... I Need Ur Input

Post by FlipSide »

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Re: Audio Heads... I Need Ur Input

Post by Lawgix »

ummmm..... i think its okay... speakers look like they suck... honestly... the mixer doesn't look too bad dunno bout the mic tho... might not be top notch quality but for what ur gonna do with it it might be okay...
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Re: Audio Heads... I Need Ur Input

Post by FlipSide »

I Have A Mic.. i Jus Like The Mixer And The Opportunity To Use New Programs
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Re: Audio Heads... I Need Ur Input

Post by Loon E Lou »

its ku to start buildin off of. but honestly, for the same price you can cop yourself protools man. and shit would sound 10x better. jus sumtn to think about.
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Re: Audio Heads... I Need Ur Input

Post by FlipSide »

Word... i been fell off the audio tip.. im jus looking for something to give me the motivation to set itr all back up... thanks broski... i also have that pro tools producer.. but i have my bro that just came from jersy and he fucks with the beats so im looking for something that helps us both... maybe ill just dl frooty loops...any one have a link?
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Re: Audio Heads... I Need Ur Input

Post by Lawgix »

don't even waste ur time with Fruity Loops... go google FL Studio downloads... and i agree with Lou... BUT... i'd get the M-Box (if you don't already have it) that comes with Pro Tools and an XLR mic with a pop filter n do it that way... don't waste ur time buying bullshit from Best Buy... the ONLY thing i'd buy from them are CD's and DVD's or Blu Rays... n maybe a TV if their lucky... but no stereos or subs and DEFINITELY no studio equipment... cuz that shit looks like it will make u sound bunk as hell...
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pest wrote:You look Easy... Whats Good?
AntiMaTTer wrote:lmao ...is this how you hit on all the chicks?
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Re: Audio Heads... I Need Ur Input

Post by Lawgix »

i'd also suggest getting Reason... i have Reason somewhere thats in an ISO format... if you want it hit me up... n i'll tell u where to go to unlock it...
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pest wrote:You look Easy... Whats Good?
AntiMaTTer wrote:lmao ...is this how you hit on all the chicks?
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Re: Audio Heads... I Need Ur Input

Post by FlipSide »

i will erase some stuff from my pc tommorow and hit u up bro...thanks
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Re: Audio Heads... I Need Ur Input

Post by drunken jesus »

Loon E Lou wrote:its ku to start buildin off of. but honestly, for the same price you can cop yourself protools man. and shit would sound 10x better. jus sumtn to think about.
hardware always matters more than software when it comes to recording quality using protools won't make a bit of difference if you got a shitty mic

flip that bundle really isn't that great of a deal, you're not saving any money by getting everything together, no doubt it'd be alot better than your current set-upbut i see no reason to spend that amount of money on that particular bundle

my advice get your shit in parts, i assume your using a dynamic mic now so first get a good condensor mic(anywhere in the 100-200 range will be good research reviews on diff sites don't just rely on hearsay cause certain mics work better for certain types of voices) & preamp, if that doesn't sound as good as you want and theirs static/noise in the recording still invest in a decent interface/soundcard/ or mixer you also may wanna invest in some budget monitors like the one in the bundle you don't need to go all out on them because if your not that great of a mixer getting top notch monitors won't really help you any
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Re: Audio Heads... I Need Ur Input

Post by drunken jesus »

for price reference

http://www.amazon.com/Behringer-C-1-Stu ... B000CZ0RLK

http://www.amazon.com/Behringer-MS16-Po ... B000979TV0

mixers anywhere from $100-$125 & the software is a compact(crippled) version that comes with the mixer so its nothing special that its in the bundle
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Re: Audio Heads... I Need Ur Input

Post by IntrinsicCadence »

I'd concur with DJ on all that. Get yourself a decent, but not too expensive, condensor mic, I got mine for $99 and I'm happy with it. Get an audio interface (mine cost $125). Combine those two things together and you got a decent recording set up for hip-hop (not gonna be too good for instruments or anything like that if u plan on doing anything like that). This kinda cheap set up wouldn't work as well for someone doing a lot of singing with a lot of high and low range sounds, but for hip-hop that doesn't use high and low ranges much, which is most hip-hop, this'll record just fine.
A program like Audacity is fine for recording and its free. U can't do super fancy stuff with it, but u can cover the basics, and its free. ProTools (as well as quite a few others), as others have said is a great program, and u can do all sorts of cool shit with it, but I'd say as just a straight recording platform u don't need something so expensive and fancy.
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Re: Audio Heads... I Need Ur Input

Post by FlipSide »

i have the protools m audio producer.. and a usb digidesign mic that came with the program right now... but i do need a mixer and want to uprade my mic to a regular input... so i think the m box would be the way to go for right now... thanks fellas.. i also appreciate the links DJ... gives me a good idea of where i want to start to go with things.. i also have cool edit.. but i might get rid of that just to make space for beat making programs.. I Dunno Yet.. i might need to upreade my computer too :/
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Re: Audio Heads... I Need Ur Input

Post by TheNobleOne »

i dont know why people act like pro tools is the shit. any program you have is only as good as the dude behind the mixing. most of the people i know that are great at mixing and mastering dont fuck with pro tools, its not a necessity.

honestly that package seems cool but there are much better options. the Behringer mixer is good but the mic and monitors look shitty and cheap. a good set of monitors should run you about 300 alone.

honestly man what are you looking to do? do you need a mixer or what?
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Re: Audio Heads... I Need Ur Input

Post by FlipSide »

i need a mixer but im prolly gonna get an m box cuz i have a usb mic so i will also have to get an xlr mic... prolly one of them dj put up .... i just need better quality to motivate my self
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Re: Audio Heads... I Need Ur Input

Post by drunken jesus »

TheNobleOne wrote:i dont know why people act like pro tools is the shit. any program you have is only as good as the dude behind the mixing. most of the people i know that are great at mixing and mastering dont fuck with pro tools, its not a necessity.

honestly that package seems cool but there are much better options. the Behringer mixer is good but the mic and monitors look shitty and cheap. a good set of monitors should run you about 300 alone.

honestly man what are you looking to do? do you need a mixer or what?
real shit protools gets way too much credit like you said its mostly in the mixer that and a even good mixer can't make a shitty mic sound great they can do some tricks to make it sound a little better but nothing drastic

and yeah flip get an mbox and spend about a bill on a mic and you should be good, & cool edit doesn't really take up any space so no real reason to delete it, even just mixing and using the stock plugins cool edit gets the job done i like it cause its a simple effective program
Respect this, specialist, black, testing this and get ya necklace jacked
Your after name scratched up off my guestlist, party freak
You the type of nigga that'll hardly speak unless you spoken to
You throw a cold screw but sober up when I'm approaching you
At the same time we postin two niggaz on that ass
Thats gonna do what they supposed to do the limelight
Snatched away from you because its my night
Killarm' blaze hotter than twilight, you better get ya lines right
Half of these crabs cant even rhyme right
[Killa Sin]

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