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Jack Da Rippa -vs- Cee4

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Jack Da Rippa -vs- Cee4

Post by JDR »

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a lot of ppl been askin for this one.
Lets get it nigga

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Re: Jack Da Rippa -vs- Cee4

Post by Cee4 »

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Re: Jack Da Rippa -vs- Cee4

Post by Cee4 »

I`ll have u pushin daisy’s kid...

Take a ‘dirt nap’ in a ‘flower bed!’ I`d bury you any day, hour and plenty more
Ya show just got cancelled, im back now Jack`s days are numbered like Bauer in 24!

Devour n dent this bore, ya flows in a ‘dry state’ so geek ya bars risky constructions
Bring ya A game, they`ll maintain ‘Jack diss still weak’ like bad whiskey productions!

This be destruction, embarrassing, I’ll show ‘Jack face red’ with no card to produce!
But I’ll hand you a noose, then watch while you ‘hang yaself’ like you are a recluse!

This ‘C section’...a scar n ya loose! I have it and you are stuck in the have not club
My name ring bells, but they say ‘Jack who’s he?' and we aint fuckin talkin hot tubs! (Jacuzzi)

Ya not thug! Constipated boxer, make u ‘sit on ya stool!’ when i flame the wack done
Father from hell i aim n smack one, word to Samuel i give an ‘L’ when namin ‘Jack son!

I get the cats won, land locked mc aint touchin Cee! remove this fag from a new day
His swag is just too gay, only time we see ‘Jack in pole position’ is the flag of the UK!

I chew prey, destroy Challengers like space shuttles! ya distraught with admiration
Take it to the stage, the crowd will scream ‘Jack Off’ with no thought of masturbation!

It`s over!
Ya ‘facin a mountain’ Rushmore size! exposed like Russian spies! envious haters green
Coz ‘Jack Ass!’ no TV stunts or disclaimer scenes! I got ‘Rip on the knees’ like skater jeans!!

where is this guy? enjoy your 2 day advantage
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Re: Jack Da Rippa -vs- Cee4

Post by JDR »

Smh..it's no competition dunnie..


Face ya death, he aint amazed me yet, everybody’s come to Cee, he aint the best
You woulda thot Chrysler cased ya text, coz Cee-Bring enough Protection to be in the safety specs

I’ve put this place in check & claimed ya neck, juss to son these dudes wit patients
So fuck ya views & gay shit, I heard he was full of punches, but "Cee M T" like the "country music station"

You would need a blueprint to be this stupid but I need the amusement from each of his two lips
So peep the clues kidd, I believe in the truth shit, I don't need to walk on top of Cees, I'll leave Jesus to do it

Cees a confused bitch and he can't beat tha dude Rip, Wit bars, I notice how niggas stare at yers n leave
...I'll tear every word you speak, You niggas need to look at CEE4,......I handle characters wit Ease

But to be fair, I’ve heard from peeps of ya worthless feats, this nigga has over fifty fights?
Shit Cee, Git a Life, coz you a "big waist to Jack", so the belt you held was pointless, it wouldn’t of fit me right.

My spits be sickly tight, I’m gifted, nice; so throw the towel, deaths quick
Now ya left ripped, Coz we been over the Ci ara, & aint talkin’ Bows X bitch

The crowd respects this, a mess kidd, so it’s no surprise like bedtime, I’ll close ya eyes
& Jack is a focused guy, But if Believin’ means I gotta Cee the Truth, than I’d rather be told a lie

I got the flows to fight, but I’m tired of how many cats brag about any raps bagged
But I’m thinkin’, Damn, he’s that bad, so it’s no problem to Body C like a handicap Tag

fuget it nigga...
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Re: Jack Da Rippa -vs- Cee4

Post by 360 »

Punches - Jack Da Rippa ( I thought his punches were more consistent and worded a bit better, but this category was very close. )

Multis - Jack Da Rippa

Flow - Jack Da Rippa ( This was very close. Again, I'm giving this category to Jack cause of how consistent his flow was. Cee's flow was good but slipped in a couple bars. )

Personals - Tie ( This is tied up because both contestants didn't have many personal attacks. It's not an easy thing ta do in online battles. Jack sayin', " we been over the Ci ara ( Cee era ).. " and Cee sayin', " My name rings bells, but they say, ' Jack who's he ? ' " are what I consider personals. )

Wordplay - Cee4

Nameplay - Jack Da Rippa ( He's relentless with nameplay. Cee, you did a great job with his name too, but I thought Jack edged this one out in my opinion. )

Originality - Tie ( You both constructed creative bars with witty punches and decent setups. )

Good battle, fellas.. I enjoyed reading it. I don't know much of Cee's history on Illest Lyrics, but I know he has a successful and extensive one according to his battle record, so it seems he may be a little rusty. Maybe he hasn't battled in a while ? Whatever the case may be, it seems Jack came prepared to battle a very skilled opponent and it showed, so..

My vote is goin' to Jack Da Rippa
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Re: Jack Da Rippa -vs- Cee4

Post by JDR »

thx 4 votin' & good battle Cee

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Re: Jack Da Rippa -vs- Cee4

Post by MagicMark »

Cee4 - First bar is tight as suk, 2nd line is flawlessly worded with a great punch. First bar set up was a little 'ehh' cause the 'dirt nap' part didnt make much sense to me, but punch was a hit. Second bar is funny too, good play, not as hard hitting but still connected. 3rd bar is okay, a little indirect, not personal and the play was just okay. Next bar is funny punch, more of a joke than a real KO bar but still got laughs. Next bar is okay, pretty solid. Next line is back to the best, good play and clever wording. lol, again same with Jacuzzi line, next bar is more of a joke, but still pretty clever. Final bar is the standard i expect, two great plays in the final line, 'jack ass' is a little off, but still funny and skater jeans is a good hit.

JDR - First bar the multis are tight, and the wording is funny, but i dont think the play lands very hard. Same with the next bar, the play is okay, but its more of a joke bar, not really hitting him too aggressively, a decent bar. Lol next bar was alot better, solid play and a good hit. Next bar is a banger, great nameplay and clever wording. nice. Next bar the play is okay, but its more of a throw away bar, i see that punch as more of a set up to a bigger hit, not as the main event. Next bar is good, c-era is a ice play, maybe cud have been worded better, but still good. lol next bar had me laughing. the wording seemed slightly off again, but its a funny concept/play. Last bar is a decent play. Good way to end it.

Punches - C4, thought when he landed, he landed harder, also had more shots in his opening lines, as well as his punchlines. close tho.

Multies -JDR - Seemed to have more, and where put together well, didnt seem forced.

Flow - JDR - close, but i think his extra multis helped. His wording was also a little smoother (sometimes to the detriment of his punches.)

Personals - didnt see one personal from either person? (correct me if im wrong) i dont count nameplay as a personal as it has its own category. A personal would be where the persons from, what they look like, an old beef they had on the site etc. didnt see that. so a tie.

Wordplay - Very close. I'll go a tie, both where clever, C had the jack plays which where top notch, but JD had some clever shit too, the ee's play was great, plus c-era and c the truth was good too.

Nameplay - Gotta give it to C4 - the jack shit was the best lines of his verse, off the top of my head, jack in pole position, jack diss still weak, jack off, jack bauer lol, seemed like his whole verse had em, JD had some good name plays too, but not enough to take it.

Originality. - C4 takes it for me aswell. I think his plays where a little fresher. If i was writing a verse i think i wud have wrote similar stuff to JDR, but some of c's plays where out of the box. both had similar styles, but C also had better wording in most of his bars. If all of JD's where the same as his 'ease' play it would have been a different story.

Alright - Vote C4

Good battle.
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Re: Jack Da Rippa -vs- Cee4

Post by JDR »

1 Up...
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Re: Jack Da Rippa -vs- Cee4

Post by Munteskue1 »

Multis- Jack
Flow- Tie
Punches- Jack
Nameplay- Tie
Entertainment- Cee4
Personals- Tie

Vote- Jack

I'd still handle yer faggot ass anyday, you're despicable
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Re: Jack Da Rippa -vs- Cee4

Post by Cee4 »

yeah good battle Jack. Thats 1-1 then. people with 8 post aint voting whether its for or against me.
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Re: Jack Da Rippa -vs- Cee4

Post by Absolute »

Straight up, all cats aside, this is how I voted.
Cee- You aint been on in a min, but you def a vet. You came out swingin and set the bar high. Honestly, I thought you had this in the bag, as Jacks verse kinda started slow.


Jack, apart from starting slow, you had a very solid drop. Name play, jokes, multi's, etc. You met the bar Cee put, and slightly surpassed it. YOU just managed to edge out the W in my opinion, and I see your taking strides in utilizing all of your bars.

Cee your best bar, IMO, was clearly the Jack, who's he? line. I pride myself on my name flips, and this one was a nice name flip.

Jack, its a toss up between then Cee-era line (great conceptual punch, but could've been worded better), and the "cee the truth/told a lie" line. Although not conventional, I like how the punch landed as more a statement that carried weight than an actual punch..made it more effective. Same with the belt line.

Jack GMV, but y'all both can, and have, brought better in your respective online careers. Id atcually enjoy seeing a round two now that you two have had a chance to gauge each other's abilities.

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Re: Jack Da Rippa -vs- Cee4

Post by ScottJames »

heres how i see it...

1.) Punches - Ripp

I dunno, this was close but I think Ripp edged it with a couple of original dope nameflips. Even i was like DAAAMMNN, why didnt i think of that?! Cee, your first 4 bars were your strongest and i thought you were gonna have this battle on lock, but then you said the jac-off line and the sam jackson, UK flag line which i didnt care for. The Rip on his knees bar was aiight. decent nameplay. This cat kinda goes hand in hand with..

2.) Nameplay - Ripp

Ripp came hard on these nameplays. sometimes too many get redundant and blan, but he did a great job of keeping them fresh and original. The walk over seas, ce-bring, ci ara, cEEs, C-MT line were killer. Props on that shit Ripp. I especially enjoy a battle with Cee in it and it usually results inna a KO for him, but Ripps nameplay was just too good here..

3.) Multis/flow - Ripp

Rippa's multis were solid and unforced which a lot of cats tend to do. He writes in a structure similar to mine so his flow was very easy to catch. Cee's flow n multis were good too, though i would liked to see a bit more multis from him. I enjoy a battle filled with dope rhymes and multis. This was prolly the closest category IMO. Both have diff styles so its hard to judge. So i just voted on which one worked for me best.

4.) Entertainment - TIE

Both cats here def came ill. Both had original nameflips and brought some serious punches. Both of them had humorous punches which i like. I couldnt give this cat to just one of them so thats why i had to call this one a tie.

Favorite line from CEE4:

Take a ‘dirt nap’ in a ‘flower bed!’ I`d bury you any day, hour and plenty more
Ya show just got cancelled, im back now Jack`s days are numbered like Bauer in 24!

..and from Ripp

Cees a confused bitch and he can't beat tha dude Rip, Wit bars, I notice how niggas stare at yers n leave
...I'll tear every word you speak, You niggas need to look at CEE4,......I handle characters wit Ease

Props to both cats on a dope ass battle, but I think Cee may have underestimated Ripp, i dunno, but this battles goes to:

Vote: Rippa
Ekmos - KO ... Duc3 - KO ... Jesodist - KO ... MagicMark - KO ... Animul_Instinkz - KO ... Old Rotten - KO ... Dr Kevorkian - KO ... Ambition - KO ... Eclipse - KO ... Domino - 5-3 ... Crimson - KO ... MC Scars - KO ... Modern Defiance - KO ... Tempest - KO ... QwarterZ - KO ... TreTru - KO ... Quix - KO ... Grim/Leeroi Green - KO ... Knowmad - KO ... Cre@tiv3 - KO ... MVario - TKO ... Hazard - KO ... ER - KO ... Colossus - KO ... FlipSide - KO ... JackDaRippa - KO ... JSteel - KO ... Kau The Lion - KO ... 32Neilz - KO ... Evolution - TKO ... Shazo - KO ... CBK - KO
Cee4 - 5-3
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Re: Jack Da Rippa -vs- Cee4

Post by JDR »

I'm aiight wit not countin' low post votes. 3-1. Uppin'
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Re: Jack Da Rippa -vs- Cee4

Post by M-Vario »

dope fucking battle.

nameplay: Jack edged it
wordplay: Jack
flow: tie
punches: Jack

You would need a blueprint to be this stupid but I need the amusement from each of his two lips
So peep the clues kidd, I believe in the truth shit, I don't need to walk on top of Cees, I'll leave Jesus to do it

fav line from Cee4
This ‘C section’...a scar n ya loose! I have it and you are stuck in the have not club
My name ring bells, but they say ‘Jack who’s he?' and we aint fuckin talkin hot tubs!

damn you both were on point and creative as fuck but jacks punches hit harder...he went in on this one.

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Re: Jack Da Rippa -vs- Cee4

Post by Lawgix »

4-1... i believe thats a TKO... good battle u two...

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