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Ludacris and T.I. Aid Flood Victims in Atlanta

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Ludacris and T.I. Aid Flood Victims in Atlanta

Post by Priest »


By: EURweb.com

Ludacris and T.I. are pitching in to help their Atlanta hometown rebound from devastating and deadly floods that have caused $61 million in damages and destroyed nearly 500 homes.

The Ludacris Foundation is teaming with Home Depot and Sam's Club to assist victims, and each rapper is donating $10,000 to the effort, according to TMZ.com.

The foundation's rep said they are planning a large food bank and a gift card giveaway that could happen as soon as Friday.

In other Luda news, the rapper will be honored for his philanthropic efforts at the Big "O" Youth Educational Dream Foundation's bi-annual fundraising gala next month in Atlanta.

"An Evening of Respect" will highlight the musician's efforts, along with those of NASCAR driver Kyle Perry and his wife, Pattie, all of whom work to raise funds and awareness for music and arts programs for children.

The benefit, to be held in Atlanta on Nov. 5, will also feature a concert with to-be-announced performers.

The Big "O" Youth Educational Dream Foundation, founded in 2007, honors the memory of the late R&B crooner Otis Redding and was founded by his wife and children to provide youth music and arts programs.
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Re: Ludacris and T.I. Aid Flood Victims in Atlanta

Post by Lawgix »

at least there are SOME rappers that care about their hometowns...
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Re: Ludacris and T.I. Aid Flood Victims in Atlanta

Post by 8th »

Thats good shit.

Nas and Damien Marley are dropping a CD, and all proceeds are going to start a school in Africa. Which is weird, cause both New York, and Jamaica could use alot of help. So I like that TI and Luda are helping there actual hometown, that needs it.
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