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Copied this from another forum. Great text guide

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Copied this from another forum. Great text guide

Post by Futures »

This guide actually covers moreso the psychology of text battling rather than the typical explanations of wordplay, punches, etc.

-- Prologue:

First off, I'd like to take this time out to fill you all in on something. If I could describe text in one word, it'd be "Useless". Being a dope textcee on a website gives you nearly NO benefits whatsoever. Text has basically wasted the last 5 years of my life. I would never suggest that any of you attempt to become a dope textcee. If I were you, i'd figure out multis and go directly to audio. Witty punches are great, but text punches get so complex to the point where you could never use them in audio.

http://sintensional.proboards23.com/ind ... &thread=60

here is a link to my multis tutorial. I wrote this a long time ago, its probably the most extensive tutorial on multis out there.

But everyone on the net seems to know multis at this point. Now's the hard part. If I never come back to the board, I hope that you all use this tutorial to your advantage and learn something. I'd say I've been a successful battler on this site despite the fact that I've noshowed HUNDREDS of matches, simply because I've figured out the logic behind battling. Now I'm gonna share this logic with all of you, and maybe help form the new generation of textcees. I now present to you:

Answer's Guide To Being A Successful Textcee

First off, you need to know who to battle. Step number 1, and probably the most important. You always need to know your limits, once you get to those limits, you can extend your limits even higher. Voting is a mental game. There's cheaters who IM for votes, and then there's stratege that will help you get through the game quickly and easily. What do I mean by this? Let me explain more thoroughly for you:

When i first got the HF, i went under the name of Enough Said. I was using short bars at the time on a long bar site. I came to the site with 13th Apostle. We started up so much beef, you dont have a clue. We immediately went after the top heads on the site, The crew of F.A.I. (Flow Accentric Illness). We started our own crew and got a battle set up and everything. There was countless hours of freeposting and shit talking. In the end, the whole thing got cancelled - I never battled anyone in FAI, however; 13th went and battled a head named Showstoppa which was considered a top head at the time. 13 lost the battle obviously, because nobody know who 13 was, and showstoppa was a top head. I havent read that battle in about 2 years, and theres a possibility that showstoppa deserved the win, but regardless of HOW good you are, you're not gonna beat a top head on the site if you dont build a fan base first.

People always talk about fair voting, no dickriding, crew, hate votes, etc. Let me make something clear; 90% of the people on this site vote FAIRLY. Meaning they vote for who they REALLY thought won the battle. Battling is a matter of OPINIONS and a person's PERSPECTIVE of you is going to PSYCHOLOGICALLY alter their OPINION of your verses without them EVEN KNOWING IT.

Fact is, if you wanna win battles - you need friends. Not dickriders, friends. There's a difference. Dickriders will read a verse and vote for you because theyre cool with you. Friends will vote on the battle, and if it's a 40/60 toss up in who won, they'll usually vote for YOU because of their PSYCHOLOGICAL assumptions about you.

When someone reads a verse, they have expectations. You're either going to meet, exceed, or fail to match those expectations. But WHAT that person expects from you effects what they think of your verse.

For example:

Say I drop a verse, and people assume that all my shit is gonna be a 9/10

let's say I exceed those expectations, people are going to give it a 9.5/10 because not only did they think it was dope, they though it was doper than what you usually have.

Now let's say I DONT meet those expectations. Say I drop a verse thats maybe 8/10. They're gonna read a verse that's an 8.5/10

Now let's put that into a negative factor:

Say someone expects you to drop shit that is 7/10

you exceed those expectations and drop a 9/10 verse, theyre gonna read an 8/10 verse.

If you FAIL to meet those expectations....well you get the idea.

So to say that the VERSE ITSELF has no impact on the vote, is ignorant. The verse matters more than anything, but taking this all into factor will prevent you from getting ROBBED of battles, noms, etc.

So let's get to actually WRITING the verse, eh?

Clark Griswald wasnt on this site very long, but let's just say he did his impact while he WAS on the board, he had his impact. If you've never read his shit, take my word for it that he had some dope shit. I was talking to Clark one day, right before my battle with NYVillan in the tourney where I beat NYVillan, Jrite (13th apostle) and MaCe back to back and we were having a conversation about writing. He told me something as simple as this:

Writing a verse is like writing a book. You have a beginning, a middle, and an end. You always want to start and end with your best bars, and there's a reason for this. The first bar is to get people hooked into your verse. If someone reads a bunch of 7/10 lines, theyre gonna have a 7/10 mentality which we were just talking about. But if you START with a 10/10 bar, they're gonna have the 10/10 mentality. The reason you END with a dope bar is because the last bar of your battle is the last bar someone reads before voting. People will have that last bar in their mind more vividly than ANY other bar in the battle, because its the most recent line they read. So the last bar in your battle is gonna impact their decision in voting.

Which brings me to the most frequently asked question of all time. Where do you get your concepts? Sigh.....Everywhere......Simple as that.....I can't give you a much better response, but since I'm retiring, I'm gonna reveal my PERSONAL technique which i use for a LOT of my concepts.

Closed Caption

lol...no joke....I don't HAVE to watch tv with closed caption, but when I was living in a trailor, i'd get bitched at for the tv being too loud since it was a small house and my mom could hear it in the next room. So i'd turn the volume all the way down and put on closed caption. The reason that closed caption benefits you is because you're focusing on the words that are being said rather than whats going on in the background. The MORE SENSES YOU USE, the BETTER your body responds to something. So if you use both your ears AND eyes, you're gonna see a lot more things pop up at you. From there all you have to do is start breaking multiple syllable words apart or search for words with double meanings.

For example, if someone on TV says "your bark is bigger than your bite" you might immediately think of a Tree Bark. I used this concept against NYVillan, and I got that from watching Fairly Odd Parents lmfaooo

But that just goes to show you, ANYTHING can be used as a source for concepts. Anything you READ, HEAR, SEE, etc. Words are tools, you just need to know how to use them.

The final aspect of battling is consistancy. NOBODY is consistant 100% of the time. You're a magician, your job is to create the ILLUSION of consistancy. Rappers will record 50 or more songs for an album thats only 14 tracks long. Thats basically what you need to do. I've written HUNDREDS of bars for 12-14 bar battles, and thrown COUNTLESS bars away to never see the light of day, simply because they didnt make the cut. They werent up to par with everything else and they werent up to par with my competition.

ok, now for freeflows. There's really not too much advice I can give you for this other than just "Be Yourself". When you write something, make it flow naturally, don't force it so you can get a multi. For example:

I went up in the house
saw my girl with a dudes dick bent up in her mouth


bent up in her mouth? come on......A freeflow should sound like its actually being SAID. Don't focus so much on the rhyming, focus more on the content being displayed. The only other advice i can give you is "Twists" and be creative. At this point, a twist isnt enough, because theyre EXPECTED.

A guy went to the pizza store
He walked along the cold street
A kid walked up to him
He got a suspicious feeling
kid pulls out the gun
the guy died


Instead of just having a twist, have a twist that people won't EXPECT. Best example of this is Immortal Technique's "Dance With The Devil"

I'm not gonna talk about it, simply because its more powerful if you listen to it yourself.

Which brings me to my final point: READ WHAT THOSE BEFORE YOU HAVE POSTED

The BEST WAY to learn how to write a dope PUNCHLINE, BATTLEVERSE, FREESTYLE, MULTI, ETC. is to read the work of people who are ALREADY considered credible. I have read EVERY freeflow and EVERY battle in the HOF before 2006. Find someone whose work you like, and then don't IMITATE it, but LEARN from it. See what they do that you like, and try to figure out how you can put your own twist on it. Then stick to the formula that works best for YOU. I base my text battles around Comedy because Comedic punchlines are what people like the most about my battle verses. NY bases his stuff on wordplay, shivas bases his stuff on complexity, etc. You need to find out what your forte is and then build on it. One of the best things you could do is find vets and ask them to help you out. To be honest, I cant stand when people hit me up on aim saying "Can you give me feed on these bars?" but fact is, I did the same shit when I was young and thats the only way youre gonna get better.

I hope you've found this useful. If anyone actually reads this whole thing, I guarantee you that you'll become one of the best, because simply reading all this proves that you have the drive needed to become dope and that you're willing to listen to what people say and take their advice into consideration.
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Post by ÐÛÇ£» »

Propz Im suprised i read all of this... but a good guide.. but ion agree with that friend thing...a friend should keep it real and let you know when you've been defeated and lost....etc..... but other then that..nice post..
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Re: Copied this from another forum. Great text guide

Post by Cee4 »

Future wrote:

Battling is a matter of OPINIONS and a person's PERSPECTIVE of you is going to PSYCHOLOGICALLY alter their OPINION of your verses without them EVEN KNOWING IT.

Fact is, if you wanna win battles - you need friends. Not dickriders, friends. There's a difference. Dickriders will read a verse and vote for you because theyre cool with you. Friends will vote on the battle, and if it's a 40/60 toss up in who won, they'll usually vote for YOU because of their PSYCHOLOGICAL assumptions about you.

When someone reads a verse, they have expectations. You're either going to meet, exceed, or fail to match those expectations. But WHAT that person expects from you effects what they think of your verse.

this was a good read. whoever wrote this is spot on
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Re: Copied this from another forum. Great text guide

Post by Momeijah »

Future wrote:For example, if someone on TV says "your bark is bigger than your bite" you might immediately think of a Tree Bark. I used this concept against NYVillan, and I got that from watching Fairly Odd Parents lmfaooo

But that just goes to show you, ANYTHING can be used as a source for concepts. Anything you READ, HEAR, SEE, etc. Words are tools, you just need to know how to use them.

The final aspect of battling is consistancy. NOBODY is consistant 100% of the time. You're a magician, your job is to create the ILLUSION of consistancy. Rappers will record 50 or more songs for an album thats only 14 tracks long. Thats basically what you need to do. I've written HUNDREDS of bars for 12-14 bar battles, and thrown COUNTLESS bars away to never see the light of day, simply because they didnt make the cut. They werent up to par with everything else and they werent up to par with my competition.
Word. i Used To Do The Exact Same.

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Post by Viral »

ALOOOTTTT of serious Text battlers on here need to get to readin n studyin dis
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Post by Futures »

since im exposed, i wrote it. Posted it on HF originally but I decided to post it here
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Post by Dead Silence »

are u sure ur not bitin someone else?!
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Post by Kvarshilesheoi »

HF has some dope textcees like Lord Shivas and NyVillain so I trust anything comeing from that site to be dope as fuck
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Post by TreTru »

yeah good ass advice.I'm gonna need that knowledge right there..
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