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Puff Daddy Has Twin Babies

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Puff Daddy Has Twin Babies

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Puff Daddy Has Twin Babies

Puff Daddy 37. Flew from Toronto to the hospital that his wife was having the babies. As luck would have it "like his whole career". He made it just in time to see the babies be born.His wife thirty six is said to be doing fine. This will be their second and third child. The first is eight year old Christian. Puff Daddy has been busy as of late. Just this fall "press play" came out. He was actually in Toronto Filming for the tv show "raising in the sun" For all the latest Puff Daddy news stick with Illest Lyrics. Where hip-hop news constantly comes in. Puff Daddy also already has a child with another women. As well as Porter with another man. Which means the twins will be their fifth and six child between them.


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