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Round 3: Quix vs Omnie (Quix wins KO)

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 1:16 pm
by Alvin
8 bars

24 hours to check or you will be replaced.

48 hours after final check in to post your verses.


Re: Round 3: Quix vs Omnie

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 11:09 pm
by Quix

Re: Round 3: Quix vs Omnie

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 2:08 pm
by Omnie

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I don't know about everyone else, but I probably won't be able to drop a lot of shit to do; prep for thanksgiving...FML!!!

Re: Round 3: Quix vs Omnie

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 11:15 pm
by Quix
-Omni TV station: ... y-special/
-He's claims to be a "writter"..and not a battler battler lol
-hyphonates words he thinks are multi's...but aren't

G'luck Omnie

Sorry, but I can't help but chuckle at his Hustle, eyes wide opened the way this Geek Stares at Quix
i'm subtle wid the muscle, but will still gaurentee to 'end Om' faster than 100 Speech Therapists

he'd prefer to take a no show, Instead of fading ... come on fool, this thread is waiting
he's feeling 'tension at home, cuz the only people 'mentioning Omm' are Meditating

Bitch, i said we're waiting ... i'd rather LOOSE than Waist a verse but i'll have him face the worse
Place on Earth; with snakes and worms, DEAD! then cop another passport, just incase it works .. lol

My freestyles are more intelligent than your best written piece ... this pussy makes a noise? then Listen, Queef
watch these Punches hit his teeth ... he's the 'Tim Wakefield of illest' nigguh your whole Pitch is weak

This kids a Life debating worm a dyke related Herb who Likes complaining, worse?
his lack of fight digrates his work, Idiot ... Thinking that the 'Defintion of multi' is HYPHONATING WORDS??

yeah, i'm still waitng ya see me .. Patient! cuz i never lie so believe these statements
your game is horrible your best CD's Basic, cuz Omni's 'pure comedy' like the T.V station

leave the heavyweights alone and keep Boxing the Newbs ... yeah bitch, I'm TALKING TO YOU!
seems like your Lost or confused! forget a punch, he can't even 'land' a Spot in a crew!

remember, you wanted this battle ... now Here we go Kid stop with those Teary Old Scripts
no ones Fearing those hits; or feeling a 'flow in his drops' so i'll put 'O's in a box' like Cheerios did


Re: Round 3: Quix vs Omnie

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 2:59 pm
by Omnie
I'm dropping 4 bars...

DQ me...

don't have time for this shit...


Q’s dyke, Imma set him straight, a beast with rhymes, pfft…who lied and named you heavyweight?
You’re getting the best from this newb, beat me?, this vet is a fool, now watch me get rid of Q/cue like “Who’s Line Is It Anyway?”

Quix’s verses are like the Maury Show, a bunch of bullshit with a boring flow, my facts leave this pussy hot and bothered
I’m ’bout to drop a bomb, sir…idolizing James’ every move doesn’t make you his son it’s very true, so he won’t mind if I bury you, cuz Scott…you are not the father!!!

So now you’re looking for parents, all confused, it must feel awful dude, everyone keep an eye on that bastard
While I’m just crying with laughter…I’ll pretend to be his dad just so I can fuck up Q/cue…I guess I’m a bad actor

I’ll straight damage ya skull, you’re average and dull, O destroys newbs and attacks vets too
Ya skills need to get lifted like flat chests do, cuz I’ll burn you to ash and put Q in a can…alphabet soup

You dropped a dope verse Quix. My bad homie, I just really couldn't get to it. I wrote these bars up while at work today. Didn't wanna leave you hanging. G/L on the rest of the tourney man.


Re: Round 3: Quix vs Omnie

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 3:36 pm
by Arvincible
cat sweep quix...i shoulda been in this shit i woulda gave you hell lol

Re: Round 3: Quix vs Omnie

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 10:52 pm
by Quix
haha ^ prolly ^

1-0 Quix

Re: Round 3: Quix vs Omnie

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2011 1:56 am
by JDR
Cat sweep to Quix. Omnie started decent but i can tell he rushed. Props on showing though and at least admitting you busy and posting something.

Re: Round 3: Quix vs Omnie

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2011 10:49 pm
by Quix

Re: Round 3: Quix vs Omnie

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 1:03 am
by Enlightend
I agree... Quix gets the catsweep but if both put in a full effort would have been a good battle

Re: Round 3: Quix vs Omnie

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 2:49 am
by Quix
3-0 Quix

close and update

Re: Round 3: Quix vs Omnie

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 2:11 am
by Alvin
Quix wins KO