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another story

Expand your artistic ability through poetry and story telling. Poetry has been given new life ever since the inception of hip hop. Relax for a minute and explore your poetic side here.

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another story

Post by plague_arsonist »

it took me a while and alot of rough draft writing for this

I. I Walk
Through a forever winding maze, or shall I say labyrinth.
I have been walking alone on this path for ages, turning
into and off of what I hope to be new corridors. As I wander
I begin to ponder how I got to this stage of my life. I then
thought all the way back to the pedestal I once saw myself
on, yet I was still alone, so......

II. I Dive
Off this cliff off my Self- Proclaimed Superiority , though the
power was absolute, but without others to notice you are
nothing more than a mad man. As I fell, I felt every bit of my
grandiousity being ripped away from me. I looked down to see
a vast body of water that i would soon be aquainted with as a
ocean of my memories, The Good and The Bad. I originally planned
to hit the water and surface immediately, but suddenly I felt
uncontrollably heavy so.......

III. I Sank
I sank deep into the abyss of my memories. As I continued to
delve deeper into this ocean, I found no need for air and as I
opened my eyes, I saw all of my memories flash by me in an instant.
That caused me to think, if my life is only enough to fill a blink of
my eye, I can not say I have lived a full life. I thought No.....and began
to shoot upwards from the depths with the intensity of a rocket. I noticed
that I not only shot out of the water but soon began to float with the clouds,

IV. I Would Fly
To even the highest peaks of Mount Olympus so that even the God's highest
court would sound a reveille in my honor. Even with this accomplishment
wrapped deep in Orion's Belt, I was still alone. So I thought," Where will I
possibly find another in such a vast universe, one who will understand and
possibly sooth my cold never ending adventure with the warmth of company."
So I shot straight into the air, further than anyone had ever gone without some
type of aid and entered the vacuum of space. I then found myself.......

V. Drifting
Through the many different nebulas, and yet you may think of this as a rather
bothersome existince, but I gradually felt less alone as I passed the many
different colors of space. As sad as it may seem, the vacuum that all others
fear had become my one and only friend. Though she was silent, I would
never feel alone again. I then felt as though my new friend was about to give
me a new sense of direction. I suddenly noticed a brightly glowing star in the
distance, The Sun. I looked for a moment, and then against my judgement,
allowed myself........

VI. To be Guided
Through the darkness towards this source of bright light. As I came closer to
the Sun, I began to feel an overwhelming warmth. I arrived at the Sun, and
began to wonder what was next. So I reached out an arm to the star of light,
and it enveloped me in its warmth. I finally had the one thing I wanted had
been questing for the entire time, a true friend. I decided this would be my
permanant residence. So I closed my eyes and......

VII. Slept
Weary from my journey, I lost track of time and then realized I had slept
through an entire milennia, only one of my two friends remained. The Sun,
as all stars do, lost its shine. I didn't even realize it until I awoke to the
darkness I was originally entangled in. So I.......

VIII. Wept
And as I opened my eyes, I was once again on my original path, back in the
labyrinth, this time however once I had come to the cliff of Superiority, I did
not Dive. I would not repeat my past, or at least history would not get a second
joke and there would be no last laugh. Instead, I remembered the warmth that
my friends had shown me. I turned away from the cliff to find a woman standing
behind me. She proclaimed,"Even though I left you once, Nothing Lasts Forever,
and now that you have learned from your past, I feel as though you are ready
to live in the present." As she finished talking,she grabbed my hand and we began
our ascension. I would never be alone again. I allowed myself to be enveloped
by the warmth once more, but this time, my rest would be eternal......in the sky.

- End
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