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BlakeDowns vs Comeback kid (Blake wins KO)
Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 9:48 am
by Blake Downs
4 bars,due before tomorow!!!! good luck kid!
Re: BlakeDowns vs Comeback kid
Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 9:50 am
by CBK
check im goin in now...
-- Fri Sep 16, 2011 12:51 am --
"FAKE CLOWN" gettin shaked now,straight from the takedown
piss "ICP (i see pee)" soaking his legs from the waist down,
far from the dopest, his "HOKUS POKUS" is waste now
focus,notice its the hardest part to embrace wow!
"I DIDNT MEAN TO KILL HIM" but im "STILL STABBIN" his face owww!
i aint KIDding around,
im being philosophical,beating me is not probable
i'll kill you in a battle or a topical,im unstoppable, burn this faggot this kid is ill."Childrens Hospital"
Re: BlakeDowns vs Comeback kid
Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 2:32 pm
by Blake Downs ... 23914.html
flames rise,while reading this,you may die,compared to ur level im way high,
you said you were going in,im glad im nowhere near any gay guys
you've endured so much defeat on ur axis,
the votes for my win are going to be more one sided than the skeet on ur mattress
if you see me you'll get sit on more than my seat,you'll get chopped up more than a beat,
lets talk about battles, you lose more than the greek
i can tell im greater,you eat more fish shit and dick than an alligator
your a geek,im like lord vader,and you couldnt even elevate ur lyrics on an elevator
Re: BlakeDowns vs Comeback kid
Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 5:24 am
by Felon
flames rise,while reading this,you may die,compared to ur level im way high,
you said you were going in,im glad im nowhere near any gay guys
Was ok..overplayed punchline but used it effectivly..sylable rhymes but the multi's didnt make sense...
you've endured so much defeat on ur axis,
the votes for my win are going to be more one sided than the skeet on ur mattress
if you see me you'll get sit on more than my seat,you'll get chopped up more than a beat,
lets talk about battles, you lose more than the greek
ok i guess...
i can tell im greater,you eat more fish shit and dick than an alligator
your a geek,im like lord vader,and you couldnt even elevate ur lyrics on an elevator
Elevator punchline is way over used..(Im up n cumming like being fucked in an elevator)...........
Cant be bothered to break the other guys shit down cus it was shit..
Re: BlakeDowns vs Comeback kid
Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 9:37 am
by Shawnmd
Both are dope, but im going with comeback kid on this one.
Re: BlakeDowns vs Comeback kid
Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 9:49 am
by Alvin
Shawn, explain ur vote or it doesn't count.
Cbk, stop freeposting.
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Re: BlakeDowns vs Comeback kid
Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 11:49 am
by Enlightend
Weak battle here.... yooooou-seeeeeeee.... yall got some ellllleeevating to doo....
Ok so Blake hits(well kinda) and misses here... u need to work on finishing off ur lines u got the basis but never really complete a punch.... but hey it wasn't all horrible... just not very creative or well written...
Cbk... I see potential here but ur bars are all over the place... and could have been worded alot... ALOT better... but that comes with time... the foundation is there though... also ur bars are like 90 percent filler 10 percent diss not much actual punch or direction for that matter...
I would like to vote for the VS here but... I will choose one of y'all..
And it will be Blake based on direction... It read more as a diss less filler more punch(very little more)...
But at some point u need to start elevating Blake I mean... " u wouldn't elevate in a elevator"... too simple man... LAME....
Re: BlakeDowns vs Comeback kid
Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 12:15 am
by Alvin
2-0 for blake... VOTES
Re: BlakeDowns vs Comeback kid
Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 11:42 am
by TreTru
wow...well this goes to Blake imo
CBK..well ya flo is aight...but ya not doin punches so
this is more of a cypher hate..
Blake..i liked the concepts on some of your say
you both would need a lil polish to be formidable in Text..
but thats why i prefer to do Audio..
all in all this was kinda lopsided tho...
MVGT Blake
Re: BlakeDowns vs Comeback kid
Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 12:46 am
by Enders
3-0 CLOSE?
Re: BlakeDowns vs Comeback kid
Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 2:38 am
by Alvin
KO - Blake wins