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Michael Steele Names His Blog “What Up”

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Michael Steele Names His Blog “What Up”

Post by Priest »

http://newsone.com/nation/michael-steel ... g-what-up/

By Casey Gane-McCalla October 14

Is Michael Steele biting of the Urban Daily Blog, Thats Whatsup? Because he just changed his blog on GOP.com has been changed to What Up. Is he playing off Black people slang stereotypes? At least he could have made it more grammatically correct with What’s Up? Conservative columnist, Meredith Jessup writes.

GOP chairman Michael Steele is not 13-years-old and, therefore, should not have a blog entitled “WhatUp?”

“Something is happening at GOP.com,” booms the voice of Steele as the page loads. No joke: a digital Michael Steele struts across the computer monitor to explain the new website and how “that something new — is you!” Sure this tiny Michael Steele and cheesy line is enough to make you roll your eyes, but it gets worse. Much worse.

“It’s the new GOP.com. It’s a forward-looking, open-platform for the party of new ideas. If you’re a Republican activist, this is your space,” Steele’s digital likeness says. As a conservative with traditional conservative values, it’s clear the Republican institution did not learn any of the lessons from the last election and/or the rise of the modern-day tea party movement. People aren’t showing up at town hall meetings of Democrats AND Republicans because they are looking for “new ideas”–they just want the “conservative party” to remember its conservative roots and shape new ideas today in the mold of our traditional values handed down to us by previous generations of Americans.

The “Republican Heroes” page includes seven African Americans, one Hispanic-American, four women and four white men. I’m not exactly sure how baseball hall-of-famer Jackie Robinson is a Republican hero, or even if he was a Republican, but I think it’s disgraceful the GOP can’t come up with a list of AMERICANS who have shaped the party and the country; a list of people who succeeded in moving the country forward while holding onto tradition.
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