Re: Christian Racists Are Losing Their Minds
Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 3:31 am
Ahahaha... i cant blief that shit.. my pops is religious as can be and he gives..but in reality he believes it does return..and i cant talk cuz he well off.. But how much of that can u credit to getting ur or religion... I belief in what i read.. a church is composed of two people or more speakin about need to be taught what u can learn for ur self.. As for religion..NO.. a book written by man..edited over in over by those with power and diluted into a manual that dictates to you how u should live... There are books...whole books eliminated from the king james...books which did not fit the message they were tryna send... if that message is tainted by credible evidence it would prove detrimental for the whole foundation of the catholic church and so forth.. i bet the vatican has valuable info in there libraries..which in part is one of the most extensive in the world...and that we will never see or hear about.. So given this knowledge how ever dilute it might be would make me a hyprocrit if i went to church for religion...i blief what i belief because i interpreted for my self... Ill vote for snoop dog for president...** GREEN PARTY ** LOL