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[ My Battles ]

The so called Gods Temple. See what Drunken Jesus has going on, read his favorite battle verses, and learn how he became the prolific hip hop artist that he is.

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drunken jesus
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[ My Battles ]

Post by drunken jesus »



jack-rippa-hollywood-jesus-alpha-bill-s ... 18101.html

drunkenjesus-symbolokull-vs-ekoms-soahk ... t4680.html

lt-strike-gt-dor-vs-full-tilt-full-tilt ... t3668.html



lt-strike-gt-diverse-vs-drunken-jesus-d ... t2874.html

lt-strike-gt-all-killah-vs-invincible-l ... t1760.html

all-killah-vs-ekoms-vt136.html (site glitch cause it was on an older version of this forum adept is me, viral is ekoms) sucks balls that the tourney this was from got all fucked up/lost, it ran smoothly & pretty much all the illest vets entered and their were only like 1-2 no-shows

all my available text battles, they're all in chronological order newest at the top oldest at the bottom

list is mostly complete but i had a few other battles on the 1st version of this site with the lost tourney & also had some on the old free board where illest started, wish i could find them & some of my other real old battles but at this point they're pretty much gone for good unless i stumble onto an old cd or floppy disk with lyrics on, i searched on here & google numerous times for the lost shit with no luck, its really strange that i could only find one of the tourney battles & it wasn't even the final at least it was just the first round
Respect this, specialist, black, testing this and get ya necklace jacked
Your after name scratched up off my guestlist, party freak
You the type of nigga that'll hardly speak unless you spoken to
You throw a cold screw but sober up when I'm approaching you
At the same time we postin two niggaz on that ass
Thats gonna do what they supposed to do the limelight
Snatched away from you because its my night
Killarm' blaze hotter than twilight, you better get ya lines right
Half of these crabs cant even rhyme right
[Killa Sin]

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Post by Brah-Vo »

Ahh another hard thing to find. Ya dopest battle was the one with Rell Fiasco.
But one question, post the battle where U lost. i wanna read it.
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drunken jesus
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Post by drunken jesus »

only battle i lost was a beat battle with micz 16-micz-vs-drunken-jesus-16-micz-wins-5 ... 50-15.html
Respect this, specialist, black, testing this and get ya necklace jacked
Your after name scratched up off my guestlist, party freak
You the type of nigga that'll hardly speak unless you spoken to
You throw a cold screw but sober up when I'm approaching you
At the same time we postin two niggaz on that ass
Thats gonna do what they supposed to do the limelight
Snatched away from you because its my night
Killarm' blaze hotter than twilight, you better get ya lines right
Half of these crabs cant even rhyme right
[Killa Sin]

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Post by Brah-Vo »

sweet thanks. Nice work DJ on compiling everything.
EDIT: Damit it aint a text battle! Looks like your still flawless with the lyrics.
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drunken jesus
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Post by drunken jesus »

nah, i've never lost a text battle on here

-- Mon Dec 20, 2010 10:10 am --

coming back after a 3 year hiatus updated the list to include me & jack da rippa's recent string of 3 victories to win the 2010 tag tournament, prior to the tag tourney i hadn't text battled anybody on here or anywhere else since april of 2007 when me and ghost(symbolikull) defeated ekoms and king khaos
Respect this, specialist, black, testing this and get ya necklace jacked
Your after name scratched up off my guestlist, party freak
You the type of nigga that'll hardly speak unless you spoken to
You throw a cold screw but sober up when I'm approaching you
At the same time we postin two niggaz on that ass
Thats gonna do what they supposed to do the limelight
Snatched away from you because its my night
Killarm' blaze hotter than twilight, you better get ya lines right
Half of these crabs cant even rhyme right
[Killa Sin]

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