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CBK VsTheDevil (The Devil Wins KO)

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CBK VsTheDevil (The Devil Wins KO)

Post by CBK »

3 bars, house rules

This battle is in vain ,its sad an insane,satans getting fucked call me saddam hussein..
I'll throw punches so slight that they might reach ya level
coz inside sight into illest fights shows typing light beats the devil..
quit your boring fables, im more than able to force this poor unfortunate fallen angel,
to the mortuary or abortion table,watch him tremble shake sigh,hesitate die
im not playing games when i take aim spray an say the devil may cry
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Re: CBK VsTheDevil

Post by complexity »

I didnt take this battle too seriously and just wrote this up kinda quick..


You know what's a comedy show? 360 lyrically beatin' you down...but literally I ain't playin' a "round" /
Because literally clown, the only reason why people are laughing now, cuz dog, I'm "puttin' you down"/

My first bar murked your whole verse, ask CYANIDE how he beat you, now figure out why I asked you to go first/
Leave yo body rottin in the dirt, Momma cryin cuz it hurts, then i'm shootin up the hearse and robbin her for her purse/

You aint never held a gun, you aint never held a knife, you aint doin it now and you never will in your life/
So cut the crap and tell em who you really are "ComeBackKid" you're so stupid you had to cut down yo name to remember it right?/

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Re: CBK VsTheDevil

Post by Lawgix »

yeah really can't leave too much feedback on this one...

but anyways....

CBK... ur verse was okay... kinda weak honestly... like u didn't try hard enough or u were intimidated or something... didn't really feel the energy... it seemed like the whole verse was one big filler with no punch... :-\ not really impressed honestly...

devil... ur verse was okay... it was lengthy but i guess it got the point across... your verse was a lil bit better than CBK's tho... had some good lines kinda made me chuckle...

but now that thats out of the way... onto categories...

Punches - devil
Multies - both were weak but i'll vote devil..
Personals - meh... tied...
Enjoyment - devil

MVGT: devil

1-0 uppin
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Re: CBK VsTheDevil

Post by complexity »

1-0 the devil.

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Re: CBK VsTheDevil

Post by Kuhlerblynd »

Sorry I havent voted on this sooner, guys. I thought I had already placed a vote, for some reason...

Here's the breakdown...


This battle is in vain ,its sad an insane,satans getting fucked call me saddam hussein..

Im not sure if you are considering this a full bar or what bro. No hate, but this seems to chop the flow up dramatically. The punch is a little humorous, but not very hard hitting.

I'll throw punches so slight that they might reach ya level
coz inside sight into illest fights shows typing light beats the devil..

The first line kind of took me back a bit. Why would you want to throw 'slight' punches? If you are referring to his being 'below' you because the devil lives in Hell, then that should be re-worded to connect better. The second line was fucking fire though. Nice punchline and personal there.

quit your boring fables, im more than able to force this poor unfortunate fallen angel,

This kind of makes me feel like the first line did, but helps bring the verse's flow around just a little bit. There's no real punch, personal, nameflip, or wordplay that I am noticing here...

to the mortuary or abortion table,watch him tremble shake sigh,hesitate die
im not playing games when i take aim spray an say the devil may cry

The Devil May Cry line would be a great way to develop a punchline and a nameflip, but I dont feel this is worded very well to bring a hard hitting punchline.

The Devil

You know what's a comedy show? 360 lyrically beatin' you down...but literally I ain't playin' a "round" /
Because literally clown, the only reason why people are laughing now, cuz dog, I'm "puttin' you down"/

I felt like the first line was more of a punch than the second line. This has wordplay included, although not very strong, and a personal diss. Decent opener.

My first bar murked your whole verse, ask CYANIDE how he beat you, now figure out why I asked you to go first/
Leave yo body rottin in the dirt, Momma cryin cuz it hurts, then i'm shootin up the hearse and robbin her for her purse/

That second line SUCKS IMO haha. But I explained why I feel that way to you before... The first line throws another personal jab at him, but this one doesn't connect as well as the last one.

You aint never held a gun, you aint never held a knife, you aint doin it now and you never will in your life/
So cut the crap and tell em who you really are "ComeBackKid" you're so stupid you had to cut down yo name to remember it

The transition from the first line to the second line isn't really following the formula as the first two bars, making the flow feel a little choppy here. The second line is a decent diss at his name, but I feel this could be worded different to be more effective.


Punchlines- Both came a little weak in this department, and honestly receives a 'tie' from me.

Personals- This one is an edge for Devil, as he made attacks in each bar and did his research to get deeper than just nameflips.

Flow/Multi's- Both chopped in up in spots, but I feel the two lines in CBK's verse hurt his flow more, giving this to Devil.

With all the above being said, I want to add that I feel both of you could come much more correct than you displayed here. Nothing was very eye catching, and I know both of you can do better with that. Punches were super weak, and I know both of you can do better as well. I suggest a re-match, with a bit longer bar length, and both of you actually trying to rub the other's name in the fucking mud. However, this is the battle Im voting on at the moment, not the battle I want the both of you to have in the future, so I have to finish this with a vote for The Devil, for the above stated reasons. Get a re-match in, guys!!!
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Re: CBK VsTheDevil

Post by CBK »

thanks Kb.. 2 nil dev..
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Re: CBK VsTheDevil ( 0-2 )

Post by Quix »

This allmost seemed like a topical battle, the way there were no punches. I am dissapointed in the lack of creative in this battle. I'm sorry, i shouldn't be one to judge, i'm barley here anymore ... but i remeber Complexity to be sooooooo much better than this. And CBK, when i left i think you were on a 6 or 7 win streak or something. Spend more time focusing on more direct, and creative punchlines. BOTH OF YOU!! lol

Punches: Devil, slightly
Flow: Devil
Complexity: CBK - Devil used a Dog = put you down line. Thats a :snooty:
Overall: Devil, wins by a hair
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Re: CBK VsTheDevil ( 0-2 )

Post by Enlightend »

Devil wins via KO closed and updated
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