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Stories of War - 4 Man Collab

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For Real
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Stories of War - 4 Man Collab

Post by For Real »

Stories of War
4 Man Collab

Sgt. Bradley Rockwell - USA
From the frontline's view and through foreign eyes.
the orange skies looks torn and bright in the morning light..
such a mournful sight! yet still my front men steady..
Making light of the moment, while guns are ready
Nerves racked..lungs are heavy, so breathing is intense
Succeeding is my sense as I lead them in defense
all i hear is whispers and anxious mutters time to time
until I hear a stutter and a cry from a gunner in the line
"Taank!!" so I look up, shook up, caught an AR within my cusps..
Tell my men to run for cover as I run far into the dust
I hear blasts over my shoulder, so i to start to fire clips
only to hear minor hits landing onto the iron ship
situations getting tighter quick.. so i devise an attack
to run towards the son of a bitch and climb from the back
for the white blue and red, willingly we would die in the bloodshed
so i jump up... guns up...to show my men should not be fucked with
The men's survival is where my heart is I'm known as their sargeant
I duck away from the crossfire, behind some blown down apartments
With a rocket launcher in hand, I see myself putting an end to this carnage
But in my attempt to dart... that sight is quickly sent into darkness...

Cpl. Roland Simmons - USA
My battles rage for days in the wars that we wage,
A rattled cage is the foreign place we helped invade,
On the front lines I feel my humanity come untied,
As I make friends, I watch as they one by one die,
In the sun, the guns fry every ounce I have of pride,
For myself, I've done nothing with rifles but stifle cries,
In this hell, where the sand finds purchase in every crack,
I itch and pack up my gear and move it on down the track,
One day I remember, they shipped in more new guys,
They were cool, like me at first, fearful in two eyes,
They played it straight, we got along, joking and talking shit,
This one private seemed a hit, I laughed and caught a stitch,
Then I felt the ground move, and turned to face death,
A shadow long and tall, and merciless in its quest,
I thought, "Am I a coward, for running to duck and hide,
How can we win the fight if I'm frozen in place and die?",
So I broke rank and dove under a rubble stack,
M73 whips lashed and slaughtered those at my back,
I repositioned in time to see my sergeant and friends die,
And a rookie grab a weapon to aim it and fire right,
The incursion seemed finished, I was filling with shame,
Cursing my name over dead friends, my feelings strange,
I crawled out on my knees, surveyed the damage received,
From where I hid, indeed it was deeper than first perceived,
A missile collapsed a wall, the victim my ole sarge,
His head was laying broken, splitting and torn apart,
I locked eyes with the new guy that probably saved our asses,
The same one as before, the joker that had us laughing.

Lt. Dmitri Weiss - Germanu
Im the commander of a panzer spitting a metal barrage
Fully loaded with shells and fuel as I left the garage
I’m headed for war against a mean enemy
With an iron cross on my chest and dog tags for my identity
My tracks make tracks as I drop the periscope
I spot a platoon dug deep across a barren slope
I order a shell to be loaded and to await my command
Im already hardened by war with a mouth full of sand
I spot the man that looks like hes shouting orders
I hear the shots firing and the whiz of the mortars
I can tell we getting closer with the scent of blood
The bombs are blasting as they dent the mud
FIRE! I scream with my first shot finally aligned
I see 4 men drop with one running off blind
We load another and let the barrel speak for us
These Americans must be fools their not beating us!
I see a man fall, I think we got at their commander
Shots bounce off our iron shell as we slowly meander
I take another glance and see a soldier with an RPG
I try to speak choke on my words grit my teeth
He fires the round and I watch the end come forth
I see my kids than im swallowed by a blackened core
It hits the tank with no time for me to even scream in time
I guess I’ll finally be paying for my all my crimes

Pvt. Arnold Maxwell - USA
I joined the army, the training was simple,
I studied and went on to graduate in the middle,
The real thing was exciting, uncontrolable nerves,
Insercion, over the chopper blades, explosions were heard,
This path to manhood was my main attraction,
We ziplined down, and headed straight to action,
We joined the infanty whom were holding the line,
Looked for the enemies, but there was no one in sight,
We joked with the troops, all dying with laughter,
Until a low pitched grumble silenced the banted,
We lined up, forming a wall of the military,
A large object was visible, they had brought their artillery,
At the sight of this beast, my heart sank in my chest,
Some of the other unit, suddenly paniced and left,
The dust waved in front, we could hardly see,
One of our men jumped up, and grabbed an RPG,
A sergeant, playing the hero, he thought he'd try his luck,
Unfortunatley, the tank replied to us and fired first,
Like a shooting star, the rocket rips through a block of flats,
We see the wall collapse following the awful crash,
As the Sarge looked up, he was hit by the building's debris,
His head half cracked open, the blow killed him I see.
It's reloading to kill us, no one is trying to stop it,
Instinctivly, I grab the launcher and fire the rocket,
The target is locked, the tank's hit and implodes,
The weather returns the attack, the wind drifing the smoke,
Most celebrate, despite being surrounded by death,
I look down to the fallen comrade, brain hanging out of his head,
The runaway soldier returns, solomn, sulking, and I can see in his eyes,
That he hold's himself soley responsible for his leader's demise.

Sgt. Bradley Rockwell = Arvincible
Cpl. Roland Simmons = MonuMental
Lt. Dmitri Aleksandrov = Defiance
Pvt. Arnold Maxwell = For Real
Last edited by For Real on Tue Sep 13, 2011 11:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Stories of War - 4 Man Collab

Post by CBK »

ok heres my thoughts.. the format is a little confusing i mean why does the russian spit inbetween the american verses? secondly a few points to the soviet bars, iron cross is a german medal and a panzer is a german tank are you a soviet or a kraut? make your mind up.
overall the topic is dope an the fact that the soviet tells the same story but from a different point of view is a cool idea. the story telling abilities, descriptions and scene settings are all good, but the flow and rhyme scheme is allover the place in the opening bars.

ill post tho. my opinions dont really count for much im a battle rapper an have no knowledge of topic writing really but in my opinion this collab is great, excellent post.
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Re: Stories of War - 4 Man Collab

Post by For Real »

My fault on that. Defiance posted a name that looked Russian lol, and I lost it, then he ghosted. I just had Russia in my head, got Monu to drop me a russian name and made him soviet. Changing it now. Thanks for reading.
Last edited by For Real on Tue Sep 13, 2011 11:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Stories of War - 4 Man Collab

Post by Sir Kevin O Shea »

I like how each verse was a it's own story instead of the basic collab with everbody just building off of the last verse. I have always been a fan of the episodic approach.
Last edited by Sir Kevin O Shea on Fri Sep 16, 2011 2:47 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Stories of War - 4 Man Collab

Post by Arvincible »

glad you liked it
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Re: Stories of War - 4 Man Collab

Post by For Real »

Yeah I'm the same 3rd. Love watching things that all tie into each other from different perspectives, which is why all my collabs are like that haha.
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Re: Stories of War - 4 Man Collab

Post by Orfadox »

See I Liked This I Like How It Was Put Together And How Each Verse Told Its Own Story...Was A Very Nice Collab Indeed
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Re: Stories of War - 4 Man Collab

Post by plague_arsonist »

man swagg.....nuff said
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Re: Stories of War - 4 Man Collab

Post by Shawnmd »

Pretty original how every person is talking about battle/war from their point of view. Favorite line was " Im already hardened by war with a mouth full of sand "
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Re: Stories of War - 4 Man Collab

Post by Defiance »


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Re: Stories of War - 4 Man Collab

Post by For Real »

Part 2 of this is on the way, so upping it for now. Will return the feed to anyone who drops some opinions on it. The series is gonna be BIG.
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Re: Stories of War - 4 Man Collab

Post by cyanidesyn »

4 me this is really true 2 life cuz i served 3yrs in tha army during operation iraqi freedom... did any of u serve cuz if not yall must of really did ur research or played massive hrs of call of duty -_- either way nice drop i was feeling this... this is different from things ive read in awhile nice shit keep it up
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Re: Stories of War - 4 Man Collab

Post by MonuMental »

I've never served anything except food in a cafeteria and drugs on the low. Lol. But thanks, man. It's good to see this fed after so long, soon enough the second installment will be coming out.
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Re: Stories of War - 4 Man Collab

Post by For Real »

1.64 K/D :D

Monu the 3rd verse is being written as we speak. 2nd part should be up within the week. If Arv and Def are reading this, keep up with the series guys cause you're the foundation of it.
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