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Letter to the Illest CEO (Crashes)

Illest Lyrics is an established hip hop forum with over one hundred thousand posts. In this section of the site, you will find out what is and what isn't happening on the forum.

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Letter to the Illest CEO (Crashes)

Post by Cyan »

I enjoy this site. Thank you for putting it together, maintaining it, and paying to have it hosted. I drop songs in the booth and try to give solid feedback.

But ... If you are going to go to all of the effort to create this environment, promote it, amass the following that you have, and advertise on the site ... It seems wasteful and counter-productive to allow it to crash all the time.

Maybe you've lost interest in this project, don't wanna deal with it anymore, or would like to move on to something else ... I can understand that. But intead of letting it die all the time, pass the torch to a moderator who would appreciate it, has $80 to give hostgator for a yearly subscription, and would take care of it.
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Re: Letter to the Illest CEO (Crashes)

Post by 360 »

I thought the site was being hacked ?
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Re: Letter to the Illest CEO (Crashes)

Post by complexity »

If you guys had any idea.

Yes. It's bills, being hacked and all of that.

But I'm still making it happen.

I almost guarantee it won't go down again.

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Re: Letter to the Illest CEO (Crashes)

Post by AntiMaTTer »

Considering, this is a tight knit community to say the least. Im quite close with many kats on here. I like this place as well.
But considering this is such a community, we should all help where possible i think. Like making a donation. Do the math, there a quite a few active members on here all the time. If just 5 people donated 5$s thats 25$ bucks saved up right there. With just 5 people donating something like five dollars.

Food for thought. if people like this place so much lets all give a hand to help it stay alive. I dont think it should be on Plex's shoulder solely to keep this place active because like i said, its a COMMUNITY.

I plan to make a donation. yall should follow suit.

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Re: Letter to the Illest CEO (Crashes)

Post by CBK »

much respect plex
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Re: Letter to the Illest CEO (Crashes)

Post by AntiMaTTer »

complexity wrote:If you guys had any idea.

Yes. It's bills, being hacked and all of that.

But I'm still making it happen.

I almost guarantee it won't go down again.
plex check the donation button next to the shout box...i got a weird message ?

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Re: Letter to the Illest CEO (Crashes)

Post by Cyan »

@ Plex - Thanks again for this envirnonment and I hope you read what I wrote in the spirit intended. In no way am I criticizing your efforts here ... I was just worried that a good thing might go to waste. Keep up the good work man!

I'll send some help your way :)
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Re: Letter to the Illest CEO (Crashes)

Post by Lawgix »

Obviously it takes a lot of time, money and energy to run a website... just to remind you guys that are new here and haven't been around.... Plex is probably THE MOST dedicated to IL than myself Alvin or any of the other mods or admins put together... I respect what Plex does... yeah its fuckin stupid these pimpled faced faggots have nothing better to do than to hack into a website that a lot of people enjoy coming to too either unwind, talk music, occasionally beef, drop some music, battle or just talk shit in Fight Club... BUT the fact of the matter is... we're still here... don't think we're going anywhere... if Plex does happen to get tired of it and want to pass the torch to someone else... then i think he'll pick a good candidate... unless he just wants it for himself... lol... but thats okay cause its his site...

i know me and Plex really haven't gotten along a lot... but man Plex i'm down with ya dude... this is a place i consider home... i haven't gone to any other hip hop battle boards... and if i have... then i haven't stayed long... i like the formula on Illest Lyrics... like most of the people on here... my fellow Admins... and on and on.... i'll try to help when i can... right now i'm focusing on some other things... but when i have the extra money i will try and help donate to keep this place up and running...
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AntiMaTTer wrote:lmao ...is this how you hit on all the chicks?
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Re: Letter to the Illest CEO (Crashes)

Post by Haz »

I understand what Cyan is saying...
But... Plex is the best for the job, take my word for it cyan..
This man is the Godfather of this site..
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Re: Letter to the Illest CEO (Crashes)

Post by Lawgix »

Haz wrote:I understand what Cyan is saying...
But... Plex is the best for the job, take my word for it cyan..
This man is the Godfather of this site..
second that...

i don't know anybody else who would have the patients for it...
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pest wrote:You look Easy... Whats Good?
AntiMaTTer wrote:lmao ...is this how you hit on all the chicks?
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