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If you had a 2 million dollars what would you do with it?

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If you had a 2 million dollars what would you do with it?

Post by Yomommaspimp »

Fire away I'm actually interested to hear what you fucks have to say...I'll post mine up when I see a good amount of responses. Seriously think about it. I'm actually asking because I'm interested on how some of you think when it comes to money.

Complex I believe to be the head hancho of this site don't post anything. I have an idea on what your going to say. I would like to hear what these ladies and gentlemen have to say first.
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Re: If you had a 2 million dollars what would you do with it

Post by complexity »

Invest it in a lot of shit.

Money makes money.

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Re: If you had a 2 million dollars what would you do with it

Post by Yomommaspimp »

its interesting because I had a asked this to a bunch of high school students and college students down here and they never mentioned investing. The only people who mentioned investing into anything were 4 old people out of the 30 people I had asked. Everyone wanted to party until the money ran out or get a big ass house and shit load of cars, clothes, jewelery etc.

If I had that money i would have invested as well and i would have payed for a shot load of gold. That damn gold is expensive now.
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Re: If you had a 2 million dollars what would you do with it

Post by complexity »

Word dude. I totally missed the comment about me not posting, sorry.

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Re: If you had a 2 million dollars what would you do with it

Post by Kuhlerblynd »

I would invest half of it, pay off my debts, buy a house, and probably take a vacation. Id put whatever was left in the bank.
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Re: If you had a 2 million dollars what would you do with it

Post by Momeijah »

I'd buy Plex's house and kick him out onto the street.

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Re: If you had a 2 million dollars what would you do with it

Post by IntrinsicCadence »

I'd pay off my loans first, then put about half of what's left in the bank (possibility invest it, but more like to just let it accumulate interest). I'd put aside about $200,000 that could support the small NGO my wife started five years ago for the next 20 years. Then I'd spend the other half opening a foundation for rural development, somewhere in Asia or Africa, aiming to fund rural individual and community empowerment type of projects.
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Re: If you had a 2 million dollars what would you do with it

Post by Orfadox »

Shit Id Set Up My Own Business And Open My Own Gym,Put 250 Grand In My Daughters Account Then Bank The Rest And Live From The Interest
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Re: If you had a 2 million dollars what would you do with it

Post by NoVeL »

2 Mill? Invest 1 Mill in Stocks, Stash The Other in My Shoebox :)
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