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Interracial Couple Denied Marriage License

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Interracial Couple Denied Marriage License

Post by Priest »



Louisiana Justice Of The Peace Keith Bardwell Refuses To Marry Interracial Couple

Meet Keith Bardwell, a Louisiana justice of the peace who in an amazing act of time travel is making headlines because he refused to marry an interracial couple.

Bardwell, channeling 1949 claims that children from interracial couples are discriminated against, and that in his experience interracial marriages don’t last long anyway.

“I’m not a racist. I just don’t believe in mixing the races that way,” Keith Bardwell told AP. “I have piles and piles of black friends. They come to my home, I marry them, they use my bathroom. I treat them just like everyone else.”

Apparently though, somebody should think of the children! “There is a problem with both groups accepting a child from such a marriage. I think those children suffer and I won’t help put them through it.”

“But I’m not a racist…I try to treat everyone equally” he helpfully added.

Beth Humphrey, 30, and Terence McKay, 32, are considering filing a discrimination complaint with the U.S. Justice Department.

http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/33332436/ns ... _ethnicity

"It is really astonishing and disappointing to see this come up in 2009," said American Civil Liberties Union of Louisiana attorney Katie Schwartzman. "The Supreme Court ruled as far back as 1963 that the government cannot tell people who they can and cannot marry."

-- Wed Nov 04, 2009 10:48 pm --

Keith Bardwell Quits: Justice Of The Peace Who Refused To Give Interracial Couple Marriage License Resigns

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/11/0 ... 44427.html


BATON ROUGE, La. — A Louisiana justice of the peace who refuses to marry interracial couples resigned Tuesday, after weeks of calls for his ouster from civil rights groups and several public officials, including the governor.

Keith Bardwell quit with a one-sentence statement to Louisiana Secretary of State Jay Dardenne: "I do hereby resign the office of Justice of the Peace for the Eighth Ward of Tangipahoa Parish, Louisiana, effective November 3, 2009."

Gov. Bobby Jindal called Bardwell's resignation "long overdue."

Beth Humphrey, who is white, has said she and her now-husband, Terence McKay, who is black, received their marriage license from the parish clerk of court, where they also got a list of people qualified to perform the ceremony. When she called Bardwell's office on Oct. 6 to ask, Humphrey said Bardwell's wife told her that the justice wouldn't sign their marriage license because they were a "mixed couple."

When questioned, Bardwell, who is white, acknowledged he routinely avoids marrying interracial couples because he believes children born to them end up suffering. In interviews, he said he refers the couples to other justices of the peace, who then perform the ceremony, which happened in this case.

"There is a problem with both groups accepting a child from such a marriage," Bardwell said in an October interview with The Associated Press. "I think those children suffer, and I won't help put them through it."

Bardwell didn't return repeated calls Tuesday to comment about his resignation, which followed calls for his removal from officials including Jindal and U.S. Sen. Mary Landrieu.

"We're saddened that it took national attention to this issue, which was decided back in 1967 by the Supreme Court, and also that it took public admonishment from other elected leaders in order for him to resign," said Laura Catlett, a lawyer for Humphrey and McKay.

Jindal said Bardwell made the right decision.

"What he did was clearly wrong and this resignation was long overdue," the governor said in a statement.

Landrieu said Bardwell's refusal to marry the couple reflected terribly on the state.

"By resigning ... and ending his embarrassing tenure in office, Justice Bardwell has finally consented to the will of the vast majority of Louisiana citizens and nearly every governmental official in Louisiana ... We are better off without him in public service," she said.

Humphrey and McKay have filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against Bardwell. Catlett said the resignation won't stop the lawsuit, which also names Bardwell's wife as a defendant.

"This does not in any way change the fact that he, with his wife's help, discriminated against an interracial couple while he was a public official," Catlett said.

Bardwell was elected in 1975 as justice of the peace in Ponchatoula, La., a town 55 miles north of New Orleans. His term was set to run through 2014, and he had said that even before the flap, he hadn't intended to run for re-election.
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Re: Interracial Couple Denied Marriage License

Post by Riggz »

“I’m not a racist. I just don’t believe in mixing the races that way,” Keith Bardwell told AP. “I have piles and piles of black friends." --- loved that line.. Piles and piles of black friends LOL!
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Re: Interracial Couple Denied Marriage License

Post by Mass Effex »

I wonder who he's trying to convince here.
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Re: Interracial Couple Denied Marriage License

Post by Viral »

he said piles n piles of black friends...as if he owns a group of black people...its pretty fucked up if u ask me....wat da fuck does he care if their marriage doesnt work?...or if their half black half white children is discriminated against?....maybe its just me but dude was lieing his ass off...and that couple should file a discrimination complaint...shit i know i would..."they use my bathroom" do "they" really?..lol come on man...just admit it...im assuming...the girl was whtie and the dude was black...if so....hes mad cuz the black dude got the white girl....if dude is white and girl is black....hes mad cuz white dude didnt just get wit a white girl...lol or cuz he got the black girl...point is...their shouldnt be an option of wether or not someone can deny marriage to a couple...wether black n white...white n white...black n black...yellow n black...yellow n white....purple n yellow or blue and green....if anything ud think he'd be more willing...kinda like...well its good to see these two familys getting along and not being racist against eachother.....
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Re: Interracial Couple Denied Marriage License

Post by Deciple »

Man that picture of the 2 dudes just poppin up on you like that lol.. hilarious lol

Man if you fall for some1 that is different race who cares.. do what your heart wants...
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Re: Interracial Couple Denied Marriage License

Post by Yomommaspimp »

where the fuck! did you get this picture...stop going into Double F.l's myspace family photos! you sick fuck!
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