
Expand your artistic ability through poetry and story telling. Poetry has been given new life ever since the inception of hip hop. Relax for a minute and explore your poetic side here.

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Post by Speechless »

Everyday you doubt apply and Get some.
I have a Steady Income plan.
Out already scan halve.
I expand to ally each tower.
I need that money power and respect.
You're reading a chatty sunny subject.
Your light flies Mild.
Mad because my bills pile high.
Life grad pause skills dry.
Every Diss and ill elbow drop you're Endeavors.
This window makes Time last forever.
You waited to climb until I exhausted.
I hover over weeping prey.
Quit sleeping because you're Game Slacks.
A mask fits each name to cover flaws.
I hate your sloppy Rendition.
Your low Position lags.
Slow immature sandbags.
My Brand is Becoming Vatican More again.
Hip-hop originated from African beats.
Drumming dropped and became heat.
Unique Spy betrayed and became Cannibal.
Feel my tiger Animals style.
Technique made of steel daggers that's versatile.
Reminisce when Spud Webb scored with pride.
My Surround sound is heard worldwide.
Web fly quiz for this nerd.
You Drown and die too much.
Ready to approach I touch.
Down like a roach already you're a fluke.
Greedy Ships Flee to Miami.
When Rumbled with Ali he stumbled.
Tripping again plead the fifth.
You wear Twin midget clothes.
You're trapped in the idiot Box like you caged.
Engage through and adapt like a fox.
Underneath the grudge you Admire.
Yall Drink Blood like vampires.
Teeth sink in like spikes.
I heard your music Charts break.
My words are like Stakes to your Heart that kills.
Meals strike down to renew.
Your Melody and Choruses sound worried.
Your Body Collapses and then buried.
Alive corps understands the Zen.
Ill put to Doom your Bizarre message.
God's present words are applied.
Resume protects worlds that collide.
These Skills Maps to soar you to the Sun.
Perhaps chills run down your spine.
Tingle around with this design.
You can't survive the angel Hive attack.
I have Skills that thrills like Michael.
Jack 5 combat strikes good-bye.
Present Odd given rewards.
Written bond linked by God.
I sent distinct words that go beyond supply.
Admit and make sure your view is heard.
I Lecture Gifted raps.
Spit fly words you lifted they collapse.
You Ignore Zoo Boundaries get back.
Send armies to attack your center.
Heart deepens when you enter.
Firsthand I spread then apply the worst.
My bread and butter make you hunger.
Thirst can shake your view.
Most of you Screw, Lie, and blame.
My Dark flame burns you like toast.
The oven turns a dyke to Mark.
Renew laws that have brewed beneficial.
The multiple choice test causes you to crumble.
Tower quest gain a humble voice.
Google the cache cost principle.
I'm revealing a hidden Jungle with a lost temple.
I found forbidden healing.
Emphasis blunder rewritten thing.
Thunder is music when heard.
Listen to a bird sing to basic violin.
I Entertain USA colored clowns.
Rain pours down for a shower.
Bath on the shores empower.
Reason for Ant show is big bucks.
Plants grow tall every season.
Ducks squall in the butchery.
I'm a hardcore dime steady baller.
I'm Gathering water that's pure.
Secure the dispatcher ready for stats.
My Force infests within these letters.
You better invest in this enriching source.
Magazine wrote which disses foes.
Retired recipients went rotten.
Short Pants acquired by cotton.
Gin to drink Stuarts please supply.
Recite from the top hat equal to caffeine.
Socks is a cat that's black and white.
Green money in Mac stocks.
Cough burn blow smoke to the skies.
Don't turn off the switch so sudden.
Surprise pitch at the garden.
Wax scholars face on printers.
Tax dollars steal our meals.
Dinner tastes sour.
Blizzards sturdy knocks ignored.
Sword cuts like scissors with a base like a rock.
Steady lusts at her waist.
Crowns block worth flopped.
I dropped down from heaven.
Earth's clock is now eleven.
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