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All Killah vs Ekoms

Past Tournaments Including ( Dangerous Tournament ) won by All Killah

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All Killah vs Ekoms

Post by lunathecursedangel »

Allkillah Vs Ekoms
Tourny Rules
Good Luck
Last edited by lunathecursedangel on Tue Nov 15, 2005 2:28 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Adept »

look-you-punks, believe it aint"chess"-when-this"rook'-gets-jumped" his raps-pussy*
best-step-bitch this fat-shook-geek ain't getting "any better"like a"bad-bookie"**

its like "rocafella" how i'm "dropping-jewels" popping-fools when i strike-and-rap-lines***
settin this up just wantin some shit to copy-fool, i"see thru optical"like-a-glass-eye****

like a "lost-hobo"i"can't be seen in the phpbb"-dude-please whenever you drop-new-frees*****
u tryna spit like me jus accept the loss-homo j stays "jacking styles"like"lox-groupies"******

poppin heads i aint tryna burst-pimples-in-fact cuz this pizzaface herbs-shit-is-jus-wack*******
tryna rap?-yo-dog you'll get "smacked-so-hard" your moms gets "her-virginity-back"********

dickriders"on smoke"longer then "tommy-chong"but spittin?-best-beware-your-boys-over*********
eufanization can't drop-me-dog im puttin "smoke away" quicker-then-"paranoid stoners"**********

sprayin-ya-temple u couldn't have"all beat"if u were playin-instrumentals see-u-dumb-herb***********
with lines u cant see-me-fucker "opticals effectiveness" could even make stevie-wonder************

I'll explain each line since each one contains wordplay/a punchline that not all judges'll get most likely(no offense)

* - rook' = slang for rookie, rook is also a chess piece
** - bookie = guy that takes bets, better = somebody that bets
*** - dropping jewelz = slang for dropping nice shit, jewelz/juelz... rocafella already dropped cam'ron and the rest of dipset so juelz santana isn't going to be on there too much longer
**** - see thru = you can see his motives, optical is his board name, and a glass eye is a see thru optical replacement
***** - the sites name is the phpbb, hobos live in phpbbs... so a lost hobo wouldn't be seen in his phpbb
****** - jacking styles = taking styles, his style has gotten similar to mine as of late, and styles is also member of the lox, so a lox groupie would jack him
******* - basic line if you don't get this you're pathetic
******** - smacked so hard i kill him, so in essence its like his mom never had him, getting her virginity back
********* - tommy chong = been a notorious stoner since the 80's or longer, on smoke = jocking him.. smoke = an alias of his
********** - eufanization = what a vet does to kill dogs, cats and other animals, smoke = his alias and a paranoid stoner is scared of getting caught so they put their smoke away quick
*********** - all = me, all killah... and an instrumental is all beat no lyrics
************ - he can't see me with lines so he isn't very effective, optical = his board name, stevie wonder = famous blind musician

i spent longer on the explainations then i did on the verse lol, imagine if i would've actually spent time on writing this wheewwwwwwww

peep the rhyme scheme folks and good luck ekoms
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Post by Viral »

i 'kill' All Killah('s) like causin-'liquidation'/ (killin the competition)
'deliver' death with 'Clause'-n-'rip'-his-face-in/ (Santa/Claws)

witnessed him 'take a step' up but that's as 'near-as-he's-gettin'/
cuz spittin 'punchlines without the rhymes', u 'ain't lyrically-hittin'/

i'll yank the 'charms off ya chest' like muggin-a-'legend'/(celtics/larry bird)
then cross ur 'hands' together till ur stuck-in-a-'second'/ (clockhands/stopping time)

ur life's 'fucked up' like ur mom strapped-shut-on-ya-third-dad/
i'll 'solve the problem' with this 'CASE' 'wrapped-up'-in-a-'Wordpad'/ (solving/wordwrap)

i'll end this 'constant' with 'perpetual'-devices/(endless)
'affrontin ur footwork' so ur-left-to-'fall-despite-diss'/ (insulted)

'outwitting' this 'shrimp' is like fightin-a-'chink', ur not as 'bright'-WHEN-ya-'think'/
this 'tramp' washed up like this site's-in-a-sink, even his avatar's 'bitin'-a-link/ (dog/link=chain)

yea.. tired but i managed to drop somethin..good battle killah
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Post by Adept »

nice stretched lines buddy, haha

i'd break down why each line is stretched but i don't got all day

oh well
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Post by Viral »

right i could break down y urs was forced as well but i don't see a point when im not judging this
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Post by Adept »

none of mine was forced, i just used wordplay

but yeah, calm down kiddo i just expected a better verse from you
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Post by Viral »

yea i waited till the last minute and i was tired.. and yea there were some forced lines for example some of those that really didn't rhyme at all... i recall u asking about the point of the dashes in the multis when they don't rhyme.. in that one cypher.. i suppose u were asking becuz u didn't know urself
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Post by Adept »

it all rhymed just not every syllable, i write shit down like its pronounced if you try and rhyme every bit of a word it usually comes out looking odd and forced, almost all rappers that use multis do it like that... and i wasn't referring to the whole thread in that cypher just a few people me and tom had a convo about it

it's possible to get at you gay-slacker/
go back to you're day job fudge-packer/

^ i was mainly referring to that bar whats the sense in the dashes their, it isn't even close to rhyming

and if you don't think i could've made every syllable in that verse rhyme you're foolish

who cares anyway this tourney had a really shitty turnout
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Post by Viral »

i have my doubts about that one and since when does glass eye rhyme with rap lines? all u got is the vowel.. tru vowels r wat make the rhymes rhyme.. but that just doesn't seem to rhyme

and for the dashes.. plenty of places u placed dashes were pointless and just seemed like u put it there to decorate
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Post by Adept »

word i'm a ghetto martha stewert

say glass eye and rap lines outloud, they rhyme

Post by Anonymous »

killah took this hands down! nice verse... was not streched, thats in the eye of a fuckin reader not lyricist... i can spit and i could fuckin spit that shit flawlessly... nice verse mayne, props n everything else lol
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Post by Adept »

good looking out homie, upping for more votes
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