Amy Winehouse, age 27, has been found dead at her home in London 7/23/2011 at 4 PM which paramedics arrived. Police have yet to reveal details and are treating her death as ‘unexplained’ till further investigation. According to Sky sources, it was said Winehouse was apparently ‘beyond help’ when the emergency paramedics arrived.
Just a few weeks before getting back on the road, Winehouse spent 2 weeks at London’s Priory Clinic, although it was never made certain what she was being treated for. However Amy Winehouse has famously fought drug and alcohol addiction and was in and out of rehab facilities numerous times throughout the years.
The singer’s tragic death puts her in a monumental group of famous musicians such as Jimi Hendrix, Kurt Cobain, and Jim Morrison who have all died at the age of 27. Amy now joins the notorious 27 Club, also known as Forever 27, which is a group of famous musicians who have all passed at the same age while struggling to deal with fame.