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Audio Battle Voting Categories

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 7:27 am
by Kurse
-Overall Presentation

Topical Categories
-Lyrical Canvas
-Overall Presentation

What these Categories mean...

Punchlines- Who had better climactic phrases or statements leading up to a joke or sometype of wordplay

Personals- Who incorporated more/better personal attacks based on ones private life, past or reputation

Consistancy- Who was able to stay on topic better and really drive the point home

Flow- Who was able to ride the beat better and not fall off

Swagger/Style- Does the artist make the track "his own"? Being able to display sometype of swagger is important. Nobody wants to hear someone monotone or someone who doesn't sound like they believe in what they're spittin. If you don't have style, you lack a marketable character that can make or break how successful your tracks are.

Creativity- Which artist seem to put more thought behind his presentation? ...did they have an intro, an outro? did they switch it up that really seperated their track when compared to the competition?

Overall Presentation- When listening to both tracks, which one comes to mind first as the "obvious favorite"? Which one outshined and truely entertained?

Lyrical Canvas- Who was able to paint a better picture through words solely based on the topic? Were his descriptions capable of helping you draw mental images!?